26 April 2024

Stats & Skills

Health Points. Can be recovered with potions. A long rest will recover all HP unless the player has a status effect. +10 max HP is gained every LVL.

Magic Points. Casting spells will consume MP. Different spells have different costs. MP can be recovered with potions. A long rest will recover all MP and refresh spells unless the player has a status effect. +10 max MP is gained every LVL.

Dexterity. Finesse and subtlety that allows one to perform actions requiring minutiae. DEX protects against Grievous Wound and Blindness. Classes that use DEX : hunter, musketeer, assassin, monk, and performer.

Strength. Physical prowess required to wear heavy armour and wield large weapons. Also allows one to lift or push heavy objects. STR protects against Bleed, Toxin, and Disease. Classes that use STR : warrior, knight, mercenary, summoner, and engineer.

Attunement. Whether it's faith, magic, or even nature, one's deeper connection to the elements allows them a great level of expertise in these specific areas. ATU protects against Curse and Madness. Classes that use ATU : priest, conjurer, seer, druid, and alchemist.

Charisma. The characteristic of a natural leader and charmer. With high charisma, a player can convince others without resorting to violence.

Stamina. Most actions during travel and combat will consume stamina. It can be recovered by eating and/or resting. After 32 hours pass, stamina stops recovering unless a long rest is taken. +4 max STAM is gained every LVL.

Speed. A static stat calculated by one's Race + Class. Determines turn order in combat. If a player has a SPD stat higher than the enemy, they have a 20% chance to dodge their attack. Same if the enemy has a higher SPD stat than the player attacking it. This percentage stacks with the Stamina Threshold. +1 SPD is gained every LVL.

Sanity. Mettle checks have a chance to lower sanity. Lose it all and you will be afflicted with the Madness debuff, greatly altering your class and playstyle. Madness can be alleviated, but you will be permanently affixed with the Broken debuff. Losing all of your sanity while Broken will result in instant death without any possibility to be saved.

SAN protects against Intimidation and Fear.

Defence. A static stat calculated by one's Race + Class + Armour. This protects against Physical damage which is dealt by regular weapons and Earth magic.

Resistance against magic and other afflictions : toxin, disease, wind, fire, water, death, blood, cosmic. A static stat calculated by one's Race + Class. Talismans can be equipped to gain certain resistances.

Mastery. A static stat that increases by 1 every 5 LVL. All classes start with 1 point in mastery. A mastery point can be used to make your action a critical success. Mastery points recover after a long rest.

Renown. Renown is gained from completing tasks and quests in the area and/or for certain factions. Gaining renown will grant better prices from merchants, unlock special quests, and may even reward your party with rare and powerful items.

All characters start with 4 available talent slots.


- Thievery
You are very quick and nimble with your hands. Not only are you able to pickpocket people, but you can also perform card tricks, pick locks, disable traps, and steal items.

- Acrobatics
You are quite limber and agile. Gain 20% additional dodge chance. You are also capable of performing impressive feats like contorting to fit into tight spaces, juggling, and tightroping.

- Espionage
You are skilled at moving undetected. Your stealth allows you to remain hidden, striking from the shadows, ambushing your enemy.

- Musician
You can play an instrument of your choosing. At camp, you can play your instrument so you and your party recover 10% sanity. You can find a list of available instruments and their effects here.


- Tough as Nails
Battle has hardened you. Gain +3HP and +2 DEF.

-  Intimidation
There is something about your presence that inspires fear. Gain +2 additional chance to convince your target through threats.

- Iron Stomach
Rotten rations? You've eaten worse before! Rotten food will only recover half of the stamina they normally would, but you will not get sick from consuming it. Also gain +2 Toxin resistance if the cause of Toxin is ingested.

- Unyielding Grasp
Gain +2 STR. You can also wield heavy weapons with a single hand now, allowing you to dual-wield two-handers. Negates the SPD debuff associated with heavy weapons. Does not apply to the Infused Sledges of the Engineer class.


- Wilderness Survival
At home in nature, you can greatly help your party's chances of survival in difficult environments. You are a master trapper and forager and gain +3 to any nature-related checks.

You will have this knowledge in areas far from civilization like forests and meadows. On top of that, you can select an area of expertise : snow, volcanic, desert, swamp, cave. Read more about Wilderness Survival and its specializations here.

- Unwavering Faith
You are devoted to a divine purpose, allowing you to pick a grimoire of communion magic (life, death, blood, cosmic) granting you +2 in your chosen communion. In addition, you can pray to recover 20% sanity. While camping, you can form a prayer circle with your allies and every participant will regain 10% sanity. As a devout of the church, you can pick another religion than your own as a field of interest. You can find a list of religions here.

- Higher Learning
You have studied the magical arts, allowing you to pick a grimoire of elemental magic (earth, wind, fire, water) and gain +2 in your chosen element. If you are a Conjurer, the +2 bonus applies to all elements you will learn as you level up. In addition, you can meditate to recover 20% MP. As a learned scholar, you can pick one additional language to speak. You can find a list of languages here.

- Medicine
The human body holds little mysteries to you. You are able to administer treatments outside of combat such as stitch wounds and set broken bones. You can remove the Grievous Wound debuff from yourself and your allies. Additionally, if you pick the Medic Pack, your efficiency makes you gain +2 to resources. For example : a roll of bandages normally has a total of 5 uses. You will be able to use it 7 times before it runs out.


NOTE : the Martyr class cannot pick any charisma-related talent.

- Diplomacy
You are a level-headed mediator. Gain +2 additional chance to peacefully convince your target.

- Bartering
The free market is of no secret to you. Gain +2 additional change to barter for a better price at any shop.

- Heroism
You are an icon of the people. Gain +5 additional Renown whenever Renown is awarded.

- Actor
You can put on quite a show, making you a master manipulator. Gain +2 additional chance to deceive your target. You can, of course, put your acting talents to other use.


- Endurance
You're used to hard work and long journeys. Gain +8 max STAM.

- Extra Pack
You are the happy proprietor of a trusty travelling pouch. You can carry 5 small items or 2 medium items more (or 2 small and 1 medium).

- Chef
You are well-versed in the culinary arts. Every meal you lovingly prepare will recover 30% more stamina to anyone who eats it. If you or someone in your party has the Wilderness Survival skill, you can incorporate medicinal plants in your meals to grant buffs to those who eat it. Or you can poison them.

- Tactician
At any point during combat, you can use your tactical advantage to go first during a turn regardless of your speed stat. Can only be used once per combat.


- Elder Eyes
Allows one to detect the unseen as well as eldritch radiation. This comes at a cost, certain things should not be witnessed by mortals and will result in a mettle check.

- Perception
Allows one to detect traps, call out deception, and notice easily missed details.

- Investigation
Something suspicious happened? You are on the case! You have the insight to make connections between events and people. You know how to ask the right questions and make excellent deductions regarding mysteries.

- Artist
You are a skilled painter who has an uncanny talent at drawing exquisitely perfect shapes, allowing you to imprison non-elite eldritch entities. You can also use your artistic skills for many other purposes.