27 April 2024

Starting Backpack

The regular travelling backpack has compartments for 10 small items, 6 medium items, and 3 large items. Every backpack comes equipped with a bedroll, a waterskin, a tinderbox, and a pouch to carry up to 500 crowns. One weapon can be carried on the player's back or belt. Additional weapons will take up a bag slot.


- Ration
Non-perishables to feed an adventurer for an entire day. Dried fruits, nuts, cured meats, granola bars, saltines.

- Canned Goods
Either 1 can of food such as corned beef, hearty soup, or beans. Feeds 2 people. May also be a can of sauce to brighten up the sad plain pasta of 3 party members.

- Whetstone
Sharpen bladed weapon, adding +1 dmg.

- Ghaurian Army Knife
A little wonder with many tiny folding tools that fits right in your pocket. Clippers, pliers, razor, toothpick, corkscrew, saw, nailfile, star-head screwdriver, flat-head screwdriver, bottle opener, hook.

- Parchment
10 sheets of good quality paper that's itching to be scribbled upon.

- Inkwell + 2 Quills
Perfect to write with. Be careful not to spill the ink, it will never wash out of clothes.

- Map
A map of the outdoors area. Covers around 1000km.

- Mirror
A small hand mirror. Nothing particular about it, but it can be used to focus the light.

- Chalk
3 big piece of chalk. Can write nicely upon stone, but will wash off quickly with water.

- Compass
Always points towards the north unless you're in an eldritch area.

- Lockpicks
8 lockpicks. These are a bit flimsy, but they can open simple locks.

- Keyring
Can hold up to 5 keys during your adventures.

- Manacles
Iron shackles to restrain someone.

- Whistle
Emits a shrill sound when blown into.

- Caltrops
A bunch of little metal spikes. Can be thrown on the floor to impede one's way.

- Magnifying Glass
Enlarges little details and things.

- Playing Cards
A standard pack of cards.

- Pitons
4 pitons that can be hammered into wood or stone. Things can be hung from them.

- Incense
8 sticks of a heady, pleasant incense. Need to be lit up.

- Empty Bottle
Can be filled with various things such as potions, holy water, oil, salt, spice, or even insects.

- Encased Scrolls
2 rolled scrolled safely tucked into a sturdy case. Perfect for keeping a message safe during delivery.

- Candles
3 beeswax candles. Will burn for 2h, emitting a faint light.

- Rings
Four assorted silver rings.

- Shiny Gems
10 glass gems without any real value. They reflect light quite well in the darkness.

- Talisman
Depending on its type, it can grant your higher elemental resistances.

- Roll of Bandage
Can be used to dress wounds 5 times total.

- Bottle of Antiseptic
Can be use to disinfect a wound or objects 3 times total.


- Rope
20m of sturdy hemp rope.

- Net
A standard fishing net. Can be used to ensnare something.

- Spyglass
Used to view distant things.

- Dried Goods
A bag of rice, lentils, quinoa, pasta, or oatmeal. Must be boiled in water. The bag contains enough food for 10 individual meals.

- Torches
4 well-greased torches. Need to be lit up.

- Lantern
Filled with oil, it will provide 3h of light.

- Arrow Quiver
Ammo for bows. Contains 50 arrows.

- Bolt Quiver
Ammo for crossbows. Contains 50 bolts.

- Bullet Pouch
Ammo for guns. Contains 50 bullets.

- Chain
10m of tough Ghaurian steel chain.

- Doll
Just an old jute doll.

- Blank Book/Diary
Record your adventure.

- Compendium of Elerian Flora
An encyclopedia documenting the plants, flowers, and mushrooms of Eler.

- Compendium of Elerian Fauna
An encyclopedia documenting the animals of Eler.

- Appraisal Guide
Filled with information regarding riches. Helps you find the approximate value of collected artefacts and treasures

- Extra Waterskin
For the big thirst. Can also be used to carry other liquids.

- Grimoire
Try your hand at magic.


- Small Cask
Filled with liquid of choice, 10 servings.

- Tent
Fits 2 comfortably, 3 less comfortably. Fits only 1 Bantak or Reptilian.

- Shovel
Used to dig. Can be used as a makeshift weapon. Deals 10dmg+str.

- Gatling Belt
Ammo for the Gatling Gun.

- Fuel Tank
Ammo for the Flamethrower.

- Spark Battery
Ammo for the Sparkgun.

- Rocket
Ammo for the Rocket Launcher.

- Drywood (5 logs)
Can be used to start a fire or keep one going.

- Extra Blanket
Useful in cold areas. If the colour is similar to your surroundings, it can also serve as camouflage.

- Change of Clothes
It's nice to wear something fresh. It can also be a disguise.

- Crowbar
Lift manhole covers, crack open caskets, pull out nails. It has plenty of uses.

- Parachute
Only efficient when falling from a very, very high place.

- Cast Iron Cauldron
A medium-sized cooking pot. The iron is infused with a delicious smell.

- Musical Instrument
Some music to soothe the minds of your weary companions.

- Extra Weapon
You can never be too armed, right?

In addition to the standard backpack, players can pick one small, specialty pack containing various items.


- Toiletries (includes soap, razor, toothbrush, toothpaste, comb, mirror)
- Medkit (includes 2 stitching needles and thread (5m), bandages (5m), antiseptic, scissors)
- Micology Set (includes microscope, tweezers, mini sketchbook with pen, desiccating bottle)
- Thieves Tools (includes master key, thief vinegar, smoke bomb, phial of poison, caltrops)
- Tackle Box (includes 5 fish hooks, 2 bright lures, small can of wrigglers, fishing twine (10m))
- Chef Satchel (includes salt, sugar, assorted spices, tea leaves, mini kettle)
- Archaeology Tools (includes monocular, dusting brush, mini sketchbook with pen, icepick, mini sample box)
- Alpinist Gear (includes grappling hook, rope (20m), pair of cleats, 4 pitons, small handpick)

To cast any magic, players must possess the appropriate book. If the grimoire is listed as baseline for the class, it does not take up any space in the backpack. If not baseline, one grimoire occupies a medium slot.

- Grimoire of Earth Magic
- Grimoire of Wind Magic
- Grimoire of Fire Magic
- Grimoire of Water Magic
- Grimoire of Life Communion
- Grimoire of Death Communion
- Grimoire of Blood Communion
- Grimoire of Cosmic Communion

1D10 x 20 is the amount of crowns your character starts with. Crowns can be spent to buy items at shops during your adventures.