29 April 2024

Magic : Cosmic

The eldritch grimoire thrums mysteriously, seemingly phasing in and out of this plane, never truly existing. Its hardcover swirls of indescribable colours that move eerily. If you put your ear to it, you can hear the faintest whispers spoken in an unknown tongue.

Cosmic magic focuses on the esoteric knowledge of celestial arcane. Although the school has some offensive spells, where Cosmic magic truly shines is in the manipulation of reality and one's perception of it. Much like the Death and Blood grimoires, the Cosmic one only reveals its secrets to those who dare to peer behind the veil of reality.

An adept of Cosmic magic is called an Exomancer.
Cosmic magic deals Eldritch damage and may cause the Refracted or Madness debuff.

Starting at LVL5, all spells that deal Eldritch dmg have a 10% chance to inflict the Refracted debuff.

Spell LVL1.

Eldritch Nova

Alteration LVL4. Attempt to make a creature fall asleep. The target must perform a mettle check or they will fall into a deep slumber for 4 turns. Every subsequent attack against the sleeping creature has a 30% chance to awaken it.

Debuff LVL4. Bend a creature's perception of reality. Every turn this creature takes action, they have a 50% chance to attack their allies instead.

Curse LVL5. Alter reality around the target. Every time they attack, they will deal 1D4% (10% to 40%) of that dmg back to themselves.

Spell LVL6. Assault a sleeping target's dreams, causing 1D4+2 Eldritch dmg. This cannot wake the target.

Outer Shriek
Spell LVL 7. Emit a shrill scream towards a non-elite creature. The target must perform a mettle check or they will flee in terror, never to be seen again.

Spell LVL7. You instantly teleport 8m in the direction of your choosing. Cannot pass through solid objects. Cannot be combined with Phase.

Spell LVL7. Become briefly intangible to pass through a solid object no more than 1m across. Cannot be combined with Teleport.

Spell LVL8. Send a magical creature back to its plane. Works on conjured or summoned minions and non-draconic demons, not on the undead.

Reveal Invisible
Make any item, creature, or location hidden through magical means visible to the naked eye. This does not break magical locks and circles of power, only reveals them.

Spell LVL8. Remove 1 magical buff from target. Make circles of power and runes of protection disappear. Also dispels illusions.

Spell LVL9. Manifest an illusion. It can be an object or a creature. The more Attunement you have, the larger and more convincing your creations will be. However, any creature conjured cannot move more than 1m away from where it appeared and can only vocalize a few words/sounds. They cannot attack and will be dispelled when hit.