29 April 2024

Magic : Earth

Solid and reassuring, earth is the mother of all other elements and will ferociously protect her children. Having this heavy, slightly dusty ancient grimoire in hand, you understand the tremendous charge that is yours. You are a protector of this planet and all that thrives upon it, be they judged good or bad. The tranquil earth is above such dichotomies.

An adept of Earth Magic is called a Geomancer.
Earth magic deals Physical damage and may inflict the Grievous Wound debuff.

Like all forms of elemental magic, these spells are only understood by Conjurers and Animists. Earth magic is special in that it's the only element that can scale with ATU or STR. All spells listed as using ATU as a modifier can be switched to STR instead.

Starting at LVL5, all spells have a 10% chance to inflict the Grievous Wound debuff.
Grievous Wound : You are badly wounded. Physical dmg dealt reduced by 80%. You can no longer run. You can no longer dodge. Max HP cut by 50%. Suffer -5 HP per turn. Once HP reaches 0, you faint. If 5 turns pass afterwards, you die. This is a dangerous alteration that must be treated quickly.

NOTE : Spells marked with * are not available to the tank version of Animist.

Rolling Rock *
Send a rock hurdling in a straight line, striking all in its path over 10m for 8+LVL dmg.

Earthen Wall
Raise a 1m high, 3m wide wall of rock before your party. Smaller creatures will not be able to use ranged attacks from the other side and will require 2 turns to cross it. Larger creatures can still use ranged attacks from the other side, but if they are melee fighters, they will need 1 turn to cross the wall.

Shake the ground, causing LVL dmg to all enemies. Every enemy must perform a DEX saving throw of 5+ or they will lose balance and miss their turn.


Sandblast *
Blow sand at an enemy, causing 5 dmg and reducing their visibility. The creature has 60% chance to miss for the next 3 turns.

Faultline *

Exploding Crag *

Destroy stone object no larger than 3x the caster.


Permanent +5 to DEF which cannot be lowered. No matter the debuffs, you will always have at least 5 DEF.


Instantly turn an non-elite creature into a statue, killing them.

Tectonic Crush

Rock Slide



Strength of the Earth
You are a pillar of peaceful stoicism for your team. You and your nearby allies gain +2 DEF. This effect stacks with Stoneskin and cannot be lowered for you. Your allies must be at least within 40m of you to benefit from the +2 DEF.


Conjurers can join forces together to combine their spells to devastating effects. They can also receive aid from adepts of Communion magic (life, death, blood, cosmic) for truly unique spells. When a spell calls for a specific stat in its calculation, it utilizes both casters' stat, making some quite devastating.

Earth+Earth = Fissure

Earth + Fire = Eruption
Lava bursts forth from the ground. All within 5m of the epicentre instantly die, others nearby take both players' LVL+ATU heat dmg.

Earth+Water = Mudslide
All those affected will have their speed negated for 5 turns and will not be able to move away from their current position.

Earth+Wind = Sandstorm
All those affected will have 90% to miss for 5 turns.

Earth+Life = Hallowed Ground
Priority cast. All allies gain +5 DEF and +5 in all resistances for 5 turns.

Earth+Death = Acid Regurgitation
Cause 20 Decay dmg to the enemy and permanently destroys their armour.

Earth+Blood = Defile
Curse. All enemies are cursed until death. -5 HP, -5 DEF, -5 SPD.

Earth+Cosmic = Gravity Lapse
Shift gravity itself. All enemies will take their weight x3 in Physical dmg.