29 April 2024


The game requires 1D4 and 1D10.


In combat, SPD (speed) determines the order in which players take action. Some spells can allow players to go first. SPD can be buffed or debuffed for the duration of combat. All enemies have a SPD stat determining when their turn takes place.

A turn is consumed by attacking, using a skill such as recovery or defence, or moving more than 5 metres.

All actions in combat cost -1 stamina. STAM must closely be monitored as it determines chance to hit and the ability to take action.

Chance to hit goes by 10% increments. 1D10 is rolled to calculate such percentage.
Percentages are always rounded up. If a skill recovers 50% HP and you have 17 HP, you will recover 9HP.

1 skill point counts for 10% chance.

For example, a +2 to intimidation = +20% to intimidation.


Most races start with a baseline of 20 STAM. Stamina cannot be increased by spending points, but every level gained gives +4 to max stamina.

Stamina Threshold
Stamina governs your chance to hit. Upon expending 50% of your stamina, you now have 70% chance to hit. At 25% stamina, the chance is now 50%. Once your stamina hits zero, you only have a 20% chance to hit, all of your attacks deal -3 dmg, and you can no longer dodge.

Focused Attack
You can spend up to 5 total stamina on an attack to empower it. Each point spent adds LVL damage to the attack (up to x4 your current LVL). As long as you have at least 25% STAM left, this action is guaranteed to hit. Below 25% STAM, you can no longer use Focused Attack.


The damage you deal is determined by the number of points in your primary class stat (STR, DEX, or ATU) + the damage stat of the weapon(s) you attack with, called Weapon Power (WP).

For example, a Musketeer with 6 points in DEX and a +3 rapier will deal 9 points of physical dmg.


Picking up a grimoire of magic will give you access to various categories of spells. If the grimoire is not baseline for your class, you can only make limited use of its magic.

All spells cost their LVL+1 MP to cast.

Basic Spells
You will unlock more of these as you level up.

Unlocks at LVL5. You can only pick one, giving you a permanent boon.

Ultimate Spells
Highly efficient spells that you will unlock starting at LVL10. Most of these can only be cast once per long rest and have a high MP cost.

Ultimate Perks
Unlocks at LVL10. You can only pick one, giving you a grand boon, testament to your dedication.


Every level you gain, you obtain 2 points to distribute in your chosen skills and 4 points to distribute in your stats.

Your max HP increases by 5.
Your max MP increases by 5.
Your max STAM increases by 4.


You are not alone looking for adventures. As days pass, sidequests available in town have a chance to be completed by a rival team and become unavailable. You may run into these other adventurers in dungeons. They might even beat you to some rewards.