03 May 2024

Boss : Demon Lord Heykel

Location : Beryüzgar Desert, Alizarnon, Zardunel

HP 2000
MP 3000
STAM 2000

Unholy Draconic Demon Sapient
Size : Giant
Weight : 11 000 lbs
Class : Conjurer -> High Shaman (knows all 4 elemental grimoires spells)
Immune : Fire, Curse
Language : Helenic

A hero of the Bantak Uprising, first summoned into the world by Sartaq Nügelten, Heykel is now stranded on Eler like all draconic demons. He claims the Beryüzgar desert as his domain and fiercely guards the entrance to Heykel Hollow. Facing him in battle would be ill-advised. Perhaps there are other ways to convince him to let your party through.

The party can fight Heykel. If brought down to 50% HP and spoken to in Helenic, he can easily be convinced to concede that the party is worthy of entering Heykel Hollow. He can, however, also be convinced or bribed without fighting.

Killing Heykel results in a -500 Renown across all of Zardunel, and an additional -1000 Renown with Welkin Buccaneers (-1500 total), but a +1000 Renown with Order of the Nameless and Triumvir of Dragonslayers. Heykel's disciples will attempt to hunt down the party for the rest of the game.

When slain Heykel turns into sand and disappears, dropping nothing.


On top of all spells in the Earth, Wind, Fire, and Water grimoires, Heykel also knows these moves :

Razing Tempest
200 MP
1D10 amount of thunderbolts strike the entire party for 500 Lightning dmg each. The violence of the attack whips up a sandstorm for 15 turns. In the sandstorm, the party has a 80% chance to miss and take 50 physical dmg every turn.

Fire Breath
200 MP
Heykel breathes fire and brimstone in a cone 20m in front of him. Anyone caught in the cone will suffer 500 Heat dmg and be afflicted with the Burn debuff. The ground under the cone will become scorching, dealing 1D10+20 dmg every turn to those who stand on it for 10 turns.

Grand Tail Swipe
Heykel strikes the entire party with his massive tail, causing 100 physical dmg and knocking everyone down for 1D4 turns.

100 STAM
Heykel fixates on a party member and attempts to eat them. Player must roll a 9 or 10 or they will be instantly killed. If a player is eaten, Heykel recovers 500 HP and STAM. This attack can be avoided with certain spells of intangibility and invisibility.