02 May 2024

Class : Seer

As a Seer, you are able to foresee the immediate future with accuracy. This allows you to protect your allies in battle and grant them various boons. Rather than healing, you aid your party in recovering MP. While you do possess a few offensive spells, you are more comfortable away from battle, using your supernatural foresight.

The Seer class is available to these races :
Auriel, Danaki, Marki, Bufonier, Baronet




Word from Beyond

Camping ability. Read the palm of one of your allies. Through the grime and callouses staining their hand on that particular moment, you are able to foretell what may befall them tomorrow.

Camping ability. Requires kettle and tea leaves. Brew tea for the entire party. The infused tea grants anyone who drinks it +10 max MP for next day. After the beverage is consumed, read the tea leaves at the bottom of everyone's cups to foretell what may befall the party tomorrow.


Celestial bodies align, cleansing all status effects on the entire party. All allies recover 100% MP.


The Haruspex version of the Seer class is available to these races :
Danaki♂, Marki, Baronet

As a Haruspex, you are versed in both Death and Blood magic and perform sacrifices to get terrifyingly precise portents. Unlike the Seer, who is more focused on defences and preventing damage rather than combat, you are fully ready to unleash vengeful spirits upon your enemies.

You may be viewed with disdain and met with hatred for the sacrifices you perform. These rituals, however, are sacred and carried out with the utmost respect for the victims. You have the ability to call forth wildlife willing to depart this plane to aid you. You never kill gratuitously. Those powers of foresight through death are a blessing granted by the Goddess of Death herself. Acting with cruelty and selfishness would see your powers revoked and your existence cursed. All sacrifices require you to take time to respectfully bury them.

+4 ATU
Baseline : Death & Blood Grimoires
Weapon Proficiency : Carcass

If you are a Danaki, your racial Serpent Kinship becomes Serpent Devotion. Melee attackers are guaranteed to be struck and envenomed, dealing 2D4+ATU Toxin damage every turn for 5 turns.

As a Haruspex, you keep all the Seer abilities and gain a few new ones. You also have access to the basic spells of the Grimoire of Death and Grimoire of Blood.

Chant of Death
Skill LVL1. Call forth a willing non-reptile, non-bird critter to be sacrificed.

Skill LVL1. Kill the critter beckoned by Chant of Death. This critter will become your Carcass for the next 3 days when it will need to be ritualistically buried and replaced with a fresher one.

Sacred Burial
Skill LVL1. Cannot be used in combat. Must be outdoors. Requires 1 incense, 1 candle, 1 pinch of salt. Takes 1 hour. Perform a ritual to dispose of your Sacrifice victim, offering their body back to the earth and freeing their soul from your service, thanking them for their precious aid. Failing to do this will afflict you with an uncleansable Defiled curse that will result in permanent death.

Spell LVL2. Buff with Self-Harm. Cut your palm open, dealing LVL Physical dmg to yourself and causing you to Bleed for 1D4 every turn for 5 turns. During Bloodletting, you can cast various powerful curses and attacks.

Spell LVL2. Requires Bloodletting. Spray your blood up to 2m in front of you. Targets hit by the blood will suffer 10+ATU Heat dmg and has a 20% chance to apply the Burn debuff.

Protection LVL3. Requires Bloodletting. While Bloodletting is active, you foresee all moves coming your way and thus cannot be harmed. This effect persists for 3 turns after Bloodletting ends.

Curse LVL4. Requires Bloodletting. Turn the enemy into an inoffensive critter for 3 turns. Cannot be resisted. Cannot be broken free from. While hexed, the enemy cannot be killed. Can only be cast once per combat.

Roll the Bones
Spell LVL4. Requires Scapulimancy Satchel. Let the carved bones settle on the floor and read their augur. Effects depend on which Scapulimancy Satchel you use. Refer to the Augury Tools page.

Curse LVL5. Requires Bloodletting. Misfortune stains the soul of your target. 50% chance to miss, -15 max HP, entirely negated MP, all actions cost 5 STAM.

Unlock at LVL5
You can only pick 1

Burning Veins
Bloodfire damage doubled and now has a 70% chance to Burn.

Hexed Dead
You can cast Hex up to 3 times in combat, either on different enemies or to keep the same one cursed longer. Enemies afflicted by Hex conserve their current stats, but they can now be killed.


Curse. Whisper death to your target, instantly killing them.

Ghastly Constrictor
Spell. Priority. Beckon the spirit of an enormous serpent that will incapacitate your target for 5 turns. It is impossible to break free from this ability.

Revenant Choir
Spell. Priority. A thousand frog spirits appear to sing a deafening melody. All enemies who hear it will be rendered unable to cast any spells for the entire battle.

Spirit Army
Spell. Hundreds of sacrificed animal spirits briefly return to assault your enemies. All will take 50+ATU Decay dmg every turn for 4 turns. While overwhelmed with phantom critters, enemies have a 60% chance to skip their turn, too busy fending off the little beasts to attack you and your party.

Oneiric Serpent
Spell. Cannot be used in combat. Can only be cast once very 8 days. At camp, call forth a snake and sacrifice it. During your next long rest, the spirit of the serpent will visit your dreams with secrets. The sacrificed snake corpse must then be ritualistically mummified (2 hours, requires 1 incense, 1 candle, 1 pinch of salt) and you must carry it with you until you can lay it to rest at the mausoleum in Dresdène. The corpse occupies a large backpack slot.
You can ask for a precise augur with a 60% chance of getting it. Otherwise, it will be a random one. You can spend a MAS point to make sure to get the augur you ask for.

- The next person who tries to deceive you or someone in your party within earshot will be immediately found out.

- Reveals the location of two precious treasures (within the dungeon or 1km radius outdoors).

- One of your attacks will be lethal, no matter who your opponent is. You can chose when to use this boon and hold onto it for a total of 8 days. Does not stack.

- Reveals all enemies (within the dungeon or 1km radius outdoors) as well as their weaknesses.

- You will know the gist of the next unknown language carvings or book you come across.

- Reveals all hidden passages in the dungeon. If outdoors, reveals the entrance to a secret dungeon.


Loyal Carcass
Blessed by Mother Death, your Carcass never decays and its spirit is your soulbound companion. You no longer need to change your Carcass every 3 days nor perform its burial.

Embrace of the Grand Serpent
Oneiric Serpent no longer requires a sacrifice. You are a trusted confidant of the primordial snake spirit who cradles your dreams. You can now request a precise augur every 4 days.