11 May 2024

Class : Engineer

As an Engineer, you are a genius mechanic able to build various things out of scrap metal. You are obsessed with explosions and ready to unleash a literal inferno upon your enemies. No gun is big enough, no machine loud enough. Something mechanical is broken? You can fix it! You also come equipped with a lot of useful gadgets that your party can benefit from.

+5 HP
+2 STR
+1 DEX
+3 DEF
+3 fire, cold, lightning resist
Weapon Proficiency : Mechanical Blade, Infused Sledge, Heavy Gun

Being a cackling pyromaniac, you've definitely had a few mishaps in your life. As such, you suffer a -2 CHA when interacting with any race except Bantak due to sporting quite a few facial scars. Bantaks are always admirative of scars, netting you a +2 CHA when interacting with them.

You have a wide choice of weapons and abilities related to said weapons on top of gadgets and grenades that you can carry as well. You can either be a fast dual-wielder or a slow, but incredibly powerful fighter with a giant elemental hammer. All of your weapons are extremely noisy, making you ill-suited for stealth missions.


Skill. Something is in the way? Blow it up! It takes 1 stick of dynamite to bring down 1m thick of rock wall. Assess the situation and place the right amount of explosives. Need to tear open something made of metal? A charge of C4 will take care of 30cm thick of heavy duty metal.

Skill. Use your Deployable Forge to repair weapons, armours, and tools.


One-handed, quick, devastating, and can be dual-wielded. Mechanical Blades lack the big booms of the Infused Sledges, but are easier to use.

Chainsaw Blade
It's a sword with a motor-powered chain around it. It's horribly noisy, but it slices through flesh like butter. It can also quickly cut down trees. Deals STRxWP in Physical dmg and has a 50% chance to inflict the Grievous Wound debuff.

The double-headed axe has an engine roaring inside of it. Rev the hilt to increase its Heat dmg. Deals STRxWP in Physical dmg + 3xLVL in Heat dmg and has 10% chance to inflict the Burn debuff (6xLVL Heat dmg and 20% chance to Burn if it was revved the turn before).

Your choice of Infused Sledge will affect your abilities. A colossal hammer with elemental powers. Unlike a typical enchanted weapon, the sledge is powered by a furnace. At camp, you can open up the sledge to change the element contained within if you have the correct items. Quite a hulking piece of metal to carry, resulting in a -2 SPD. This cannot be negated by the Unyielding Grasp skill and is an obligatory two-hander.

Requires : magma core x1, crystallized volcanic ash x2, draconic ember x5
Burning red hot, this hammer imbued with the power of a raging volcano with vaporize enemies and rend the earth into molten lava.

Deals STRxWP Physical dmg as well as STRxLVL Heat dmg. Starting at LVL5, it has a 30% chance to inflict the Burn debuff.

The hammer has 5 charges in it. Charges recover every hour. 1 charge is required to use its special ability.

Volcanic Press
Special Ability. 3 STAM. Strike the hammer down with all your might. The enemy you hit will suffer 100xWP Physical dmg as well as 20xSTR Heat dmg. Guaranteed Burn. Shatters plate armour. The blow creates a small explosion. Anyone within 5m of the attack will suffer STRxLVL Heat dmg. That 5m spot on the ground will be covered in burning slag for 5 turns that will deal 20 Heat dmg and Burn to anyone who steps in it.

Outside of combat, the hammer can be used to keep nearby allies toasty in down to -20°C weather, preventing the Frostbite debuff. It can melt ice and also boil water if a cast iron kettle is set on the hammer's furnace. A glass container will shatter from the heat.

Requires : eldritch glacier piece x1, enchanted powder snow x2, aurora glass x5
Chilled to the core, this hammer imbued with the power of eternal winter will freeze enemies and turn water into solid ice.

Deals STRxWP Physical dmg as well as STRxLVL Cold dmg. Starting at LVL5, it has a 30% chance to inflict the Frostbite debuff.

The hammer has 5 charges in it. Charges recover every hour. 1 charge is required to use its special ability.

Glacier Crush
Special Ability. 3 STAM. Strike the hammer down with all your might. The enemy you hit will suffer 100xWP Physical dmg as well as 20xSTR Cold dmg. Guaranteed to Freeze. Shatters plate armour. The blow creates a small explosion. Anyone within 5m of the attack will suffer STRxLVL Cold dmg. That 5m spot on the ground will be covered in freezing mist for 5 turns that will deal 20 Cold dmg and Frostbite to anyone who steps in it.

Outside of combat, the hammer can be used to keep nearby allies cool in up to 30°C weather, but will not prevent sunburns, cover up! It can freeze dry various perishable foods in an instant so they no longer spoil. It can also be used to quickly cool water and make ice.

Requires : Bantak car battery x1, bottled lightning x2, copper wire x5
Crackling with energy, this hammer imbued with the power of a tremendous storm will shock enemies and can be used to power up machinery.

Deals STRxWP Physical dmg as well as STRxLVL Lightning dmg. Starting at LVL5, it has a 30% chance to inflict the Paralysis debuff.

The hammer has 5 charges in it. Charges recover every hour. 1 charge is required to use its special ability.

Lightning Crash
Special Ability. 3 STAM. Strike the hammer down with all your might. The enemy you hit will suffer 100xWP Physical dmg as well as 20xSTR Lightning dmg. Guaranteed Paralysis. Shatters plate armour. The blow creates a small explosion. Anyone within 5m of the attack will suffer STRxLVL Lightning dmg. That 5m spot on the ground will be covered in overcharged sparks for 5 turns that will deal 20 Lightning dmg and Paralysis to anyone who steps in it.

Special Ability. Requires Jumper Cables item. Resuscitate a fallen ally that's been dead for no more than 3 turns.

Outside of combat, the hammer can be used as a good source of light for 10m around it. You can expend 1 charge to power up medium machinery that would require a fuse or battery to operate. The machine will remain in operation for 30mins per charge.

Your choice of Heavy Gun will affect your abilities. You can spend 1 turn to patent your Heavy Gun into a stationary turret. The turret cannot be controlled and will attack random enemies. However, this frees your hands to wield your melee weapon.

This beast of engineering spews inflamed napalm like a dragon. Deals Heat dmg and inflicts the Burn debuff. Has 5 charges. Requires fuel tank ammo to recharge.


Flame Turret

Spark Gun
An industrial taser that will deliver a tremendous shock to an enemy. Unlike other guns, it has a very short range. Deals Lightning dmg and inflicts the Paralysis debuff. Has 5 charges. Requires spark battery ammo to recharge.


Lightning Turret

A portable cannon that shoots cannonballs made of ice that explode into freezing mist. Very slow, but highly efficient at putting everything on ice. Deals Cold dmg and inflicts the Frozen debuff. Has 5 charges. Requires Cryocannonballs ammo to recharge.

Freezing Blast
Hurl an immense cannonball of ice filled with a cryogenic solution up to 15m in front of you. The impact of the cannonball deals 50 Physical dmg and explodes into a 10m radius of mist that will inflict all within the area with the Deep Freeze debuff. Deep Freeze is a special version of the Frozen debuff exclusive to the Cryocannon. Enemies cannot break out of their Deep Freeze status for 5 turns. If they sustain 50% of their max HP in Physical dmg while in Deep Freeze, they will shatter and die.

Ice Turret

Gatling Gun
An enormous machine gun capable of rapidly firing hundreds of bullets. Not the most accurate, but able to easily mow down packs of enemies stacked together. Deals Physical dmg and inflicts the Grievous Wound debuff. Has 5 charges. Requires gatling belt ammo to recharge.

Gun Down
Unleash a hail of bullets in a straight line up to 40m in front of you. Anything caught in the line of fire that is not a boss will be turned into a bloody pulp. Deals 500 Physical dmg to a boss and inflicts them with the Grievous Wound debuff.

Motion Turret
Set up a turret that will shoot anything that moves. Beware : allies, enemies, and objects cannot be distinguished. Smarter opponents may throw rocks in order to bait the turret into wasting ammo.

Rocket Launcher
Shoot a single explosive rocket over a great distance. Extremely destructive. Has 1 charge. Requires a rocket to recharge.

A rocket will travel up to 50m in a straight line. Upon impact, it'll explode in a 20m blast radius, dealing 500 Physical dmg. Anyone in the 5m epicentre will be torn to shreds and die unless they are a large boss with special defences.

Heat-Seeking Missile
Instead of travelling in a straight line, the rocket will follow a specific target at high speed. If the target is fast enough to flee the rocket, they will be pursued over 300m until the rocket runs out of fuel and falls to the ground in an explosion.

You can carry 2 different types of grenades with you. 3 of each. At camp, you can craft 1 grenade if you have the materials for it.

Napalm Grenade

Explodes into a 10m radius of raging fire that lingers on the battlefield. Enemies caught in the blast will suffer 50xLVL Heat dmg and be inflicted the Burn debuff. The 10m circle around the explosion will remain on fire for 5 turns. Anyone who enters will suffer 25 Heat dmg and the Burn debuff.

Liquid Nitrogen Grenade

Explodes into a 10m radius of misty ice that lingers on the battlefield. Enemies caught in the blast will suffer 50xLVL Cold dmg and be inflicted the Frozen debuff. The 10m circle around the explosion will remain icy for 5 turns. Anyone who enters will suffer 25 Cold dmg and the Frostbite debuff.

Electric Grenade

Explodes into a 10m radius of misty ice that lingers on the battlefield. Enemies caught in the blast will suffer 50xLVL Lightning dmg and be inflicted the Paralysis debuff. The 10m circle around the explosion will remain crackling for 5 turns. Anyone who enters will suffer 25 Lightning dmg and the Paralysis debuff.

Shrapnel Grenade
Explodes into a 10m radius of sharp shards of metal. Enemies caught in the blast will suffer 60xLVL Physical dmg and be inflicted the Grievous Wound debuff.

Stun Grenade
Explodes into a bright flash up to 20m around. All sighted enemies will suffer the Blind debuff, reducing their accuracy by 90% for 5 turns.

You can pick up to 3 gadgets to carry with you. These do not occupy Backpack space. At camp, you can spend 1h tinkering to replace one gadget with another.

Mechanical Companion
A little robot in the shape of a small critter of your choosing. The robot is 20cm tall and lightweight. You can send it ahead as a scout or to retrieve objects from small crevices. Comes equipped with a sample-collecting arm and light-up eyes. Additional components can be added at higher LVL.

Deployable Bridge
A robotic bridge that can span a gap up to 15m across. Your entire party can use it. Or you can set the bridge up as a trap and retract it while enemies are attempting to cross.

Deployable Ladder

A convenient ladder that can reach up to 15m above or below. Your entire party can use it.

Deployable Oven
A cooking station that can be used to prepare meals.

Deployable Forge

A station for basic blacksmithing jobs like repairing armour and weapons. Does not have enough power to smelt ores and craft anything.

Proximity Alarm
At camp, set up a detector that will warn of any creatures approaching during a long rest, negating the chance of being surprised by an ambush.

Unlocks at LVL5
You can only pick 1

A big nitro boost sends you jumping 10m forward or above. You can use it once per combat as a free action. Use outside of combat is not limited.

You have metallic wings attached to your back which can be deployed to slow your descent. You can use it once per combat as a free action. Use outside of combat is not limited.

You can carry 1 additional gadget. Switching gadget time is reduced by 50%.


Unlocks at LVL10
You can only pick 1

Setting your turret up is now a free action. Your turrets now have smart targeting, meaning they will only shoot enemies. You can now carry twice the ammo for your Heavy Gun in the same amount of Backpack space. You can attach your turret to your Mechanical Companion gadget and command it to attack. Commanding the Mechanical Companion is a free action.

Hammer Trifecta
You no longer need to open the furnace of your Infused Sledge in order to change its element. You can switch between its three elements at will during combat. Changing the element is a free action.

You can now carry twice the amount of 3 different grenade types. Your special touch while crafting them doubles their dmg, area of effect, and number of turns their element lingers on the battlefield.

Your Deployable Forge gadget is now improved and can smelt ores and be used to smith. You can craft fine weapons and armours if you have the time and materials. If there is an Alchemist with the Enchanter Perk in your party, they can assist you in creating something truly special.