08 May 2024

Class : Druid

The serene druid is focused on healing allies and mending nature. Flowers bloom wherever they thread. Pollinators follow them everywhere. Their very flesh hosts plants of all kinds.

The Druid class is available to these races :
Danaki, Marki, Bufonier

+2 ATU
Baseline : Wilderness Survival
Weapon Specialization : Staff



Root Coffin

Green Soil

As a druid, you can become a powerful wild animal to attack your enemies or perform various actions. While often referred to as "shapeshifting", it is not entirely accurate. Your physical body does not twist into that of an animal like a werewolf. Your physical body shifts into the spiritual plane and is replaced by a manifestation of your attuned animal in which your soul now resides. This is why the transformation is instant and you do not lose your clothes.

Feline Incarnation
Incarnate into an agile panther. Gain +5 Physical dmg and +2 Speed. 5 turns must past or combat must end before you are able to return to your human form. As a big cat, you can Claw your target for 2xDEX physical dmg or Bite them for 15xDEX physical dmg. Bite costs a total of 5 STAM.

Ursine Incarnation
Incarnate into a mighty bear. Gain +5 DEF and +2 intimidation. 5 turns must past or combat must end before you are able to return to your human form. As a large bear, you can Maul your target for 5xSTR physical dmg. You can also stand on your hind legs and Roar. All non-elite creatures have a 50% chance to flee in fear.

Lupine Incarnation
Incarnate into a crafty wolf. While you can bite an enemy for your STR in dmg, the Lupine Incarnation is not particularly suited for combat. As a wolf, while outside in a wild area, you can call for fellow wolves and wild dogs and become their leader. You can glean information from the pack about the surrounding wilderness. You may also press your luck and enter a town as a wolf in order to speak to the locals dogs. It's best you do not get spotted while doing so. People do not react kindly to a wolf in their midst.

Avian Incarnation
Ultimate spell. Unlocks at LVL10. Incarnate into a swift bird. You cannot fight, but you are fast and able to fly. Use this to scout areas from the skies or cross immense gaps with ease.



Permanently gain +5 DEF.

Feline Soul
Cat form bonuses and dmg are doubled. Gain the Stealth ability while you are outside in nature.
Stealth : while in the shade of herbs and boughs, you have 80% chance to not be detected by anyone. While in Stealth and undetected, you have the option to Pounce on a target from 1m away. Pounce deals 30xDEX in Physical dmg and inflicts the Bleed debuff.

Ursine Soul
Bear form bonuses and dmg are doubled. Roar now has a 70% chance to fear on non-elite creatures and 40% on elite creatures.






The Horror version of the Druid class is available to these races :
Danaki, Marki, Baronet

Something went terribly wrong when you tried to incarnate as a wild animal. Unlike a normal druid whose body shifts into the spiritual plane, the beast soul possessed your body, making it a true shapeshifting experience (your clothes will be torn apart). Your transformation is that of a hulking, malformed human-rat hybrid. Being so unsightly has resulted in persecution. You bear the scars of your ordeals and still carry the shackles that once held you prisoner.

Horror is a high dmg tank. You lose access to all of the above Druid spells. You cannot wield weapons, but you are armed with long, razor-sharp claws. You deal entirely Physical dmg and may inflict the Grievous Wound, Bleed, or Disease debuffs. Being so large, your melee range extends to 5m around you.


Unleash the Horror
Spend 1 turn to shapeshift into a monstrous rat. Gain x2 DEF, Physical dmg, and max HP. Also gain +5 intimidation as long as you are shapeshifted. All of your allies must succeed a mettle check or lose 5 SAN from witnessing your transformation. 10 turns must past or combat must end before you are able to return to your human form.

Claw Swipe
Strike all targets 5m around you dealing STR+LVLx2 Physical dmg and causing the Bleed debuff as well as the Grievous Wound debuff.

Fanged Bite
Viciously bite a target, dealing 20xSTR in physical damage and afflicting them with Wasting Disease.
Wasting Disease : -1 to DEF and all resist every turn.

Call of the Pack
Rats are found everywhere and you are their uncontested leader. Call 1D10x5 rats to attack your target. Each rat deals 5 dmg. Each rat has a 1% chance to inflict the Wasting Disease or Bleed debuff. The rat onslaught lasts 5 turns.

Shatter Armour
Pulverize a target with both fists, flattening them to the ground. If not wearing plate armour, they will suffer 50+STR physical dmg. If wearing plate, they will suffer 20 physical dmg and skip the next 3 turns. If they get back in combat, they can no longer benefit from armour.


Follow the Leader
Mind Control. Command up to 10 non-elite creatures to follow you. You can send them to their doom.

Unlocks at LVL5
You can only pick 1

Vile Monster
While shapeshifted, gain an additional +5 intimidation (for a total of +10). Few creatures are more terrifying than you are.

Chained Beast
Every melee attack you deal also swings your heavy chains around, adding your STR stat in physical damage to every strike.

Plague Rat
Every melee attack you deal has a 100% chance to afflict your target with Wasting Disease.

Unlocks at LVL10
You can only pick 1

Rat Royalty
While shapeshifted, deal 5x more dmg. Follow the Leader skill now also works on elite targets.