04 May 2024

Class : Performer

As a Performer, you have two available paths : dancer or bard.


Baseline : Musician
Primary stat : DEX
Weapon proficiency : instrument (player's choice)

Death Metal
The notes you play are razorsharp and will slice your enemies to ribbons.


Snake Charmer
Master the pungi, a loud Auriel flute used to hypnotize serpents. You now have a 100% chance to break Yilan Trance on a target. If there is a Yilan in your party, you can play your instrument in combat to double their damage.


Baseline : Acrobatics
Primary stat : DEX
Weapon proficiency : crescent blade


If you are an Auriel dancer, you gain the Yilan Trance ability.

A Yilan is an eerie dancer believed to be possessed by the soul of a serpent. You can contort in completely inhuman ways as if you were devoid of most bones.

+1 mastery
Baseline : Acrobatics
Primary stat : DEX
Weapon proficiency : dual daggers steeped in Toxin

During combat, yield to the serpent within, entering Yilan Trance. Your unblinking eyes are immune to Blind and your supple body immune to Grievous Wound. Gain +70% dodge chance, +3 intimidation, and +2 speed. You are also granted 3 actions per turn. This is a powerful, but dangerous state, as when there are no longer any foes, you will begin attacking your allies.

Cobra Strike
Armed with two venom-coated daggers, you strike with blinding speed for 2D10 slashing damage and 2D4 Toxin damage every turn for 5 turns if attack was successful.

Coils of Death
Wrap around a target's legs, incapacitating them. As long as the enemy is ensnared, they cannot move away from their position. You can only attack this target, but will deal 2x dmg to them. Target must perform a STR saving throw in order to break free.

Fear the Serpent
Weaker enemies will hesitate to attack you, having a 40% chance to spend their turn moving away from you.

Serpent's Grace
Fatal damage will instead bring you to 1HP and cancel Yilan Trance, which can only be used again after a long rest.

If combat ends while Yilan Trance is still active, it is up to the party to break it. They will either need to damage their ally to 1HP or, if there is a musician in possession of the pungi instrument, they can try to soothe the serpent. Every turn, both musician and Yilan roll 1D10, the highest number wins. If the musician wins, Yilan Trance ends. If Yilan wins, musician must roll for a mettle check. If failed, the musician cowers in horror and it is up to the rest of the party to deal with the Yilan however they can.