09 January 2023

Capital : Ras Harmah

Capital of Alizarnon, part of the Valakian Empire.
Ruler : Raja Guillaume Altyna, under Imperator Algernon Baudouin
Population : 330 000 inhabitants, 75% Auriel, 10% Bantak, 7% Margrace, 2% Marki, 1% Danaki

Called the last hospitable city of the East, Ras Harmah is a lush oasis between two deserts, Laenatan and Beryüzgar. It being located at the end of the Masmavir river makes it quite the sight and a popular destination for travellers and merchants.


Madder Fields
The entirety of Alizarnon is known for its cultivation of madder, the main ingredient in alizarin dye. There is a strange peculiarity about the country and the colour red. For some reason, only red flowers seem to thrive and the vast majority of Auriels born there exhibit red crystals. No one can explain this phenomenon and most call it a blessing from Gezis, since the two suns of Eler are also red.

Last Port of the East
Although the mercantile port of Ras Harmah is not the last one in Zardunel, it is considered as such by most. All further ports are under Zürkhal control and do not welcome travellers from outside the clan. The port connects the Masmavir to the Sea of Mirages and ships from Valakis come and go all day long. Its iconic lighthouse is quite the popular sight.

03 January 2023

Harbinger : Sanguine Serpent

Origin : Barachnelis
Location : L'Anse-en-Sang, Outremer
Status : Active

Tales speak of a Danaki mambo predating Ménandu. A queen so bloodthirsty and vile, she was sealed away within the corpse mountain, La Grande Macchabée. Twisted by greed and envy, she became an undead monster.

It is said that the Danaki of L'Anse-en-Sang make blood sacrifices to her, worshipping her as a goddess, in exchange for protection against outsiders.

02 January 2023

Character : Étienne Duhamel

Real Name : Jenesz Fabori
Aliases : Dhampière Valédor, Jean Estu, Jean-Marie Lalaude
Titles : Rector of Midian, Deacon of Vent-Tremblant, Raven of St-Frusquin

Gender : Male
Race : Nirnaelite
Heritage : Midian
Birthplace : Midian
Residence : Château-Varennes
Birthdate : 10 Aggio -490
Age : 4492 years old (immortal)
Height : 8f01
Weight : 190lbs
Hair : bald, originally blond
Eyes : orange, dark scleras

Sexual orientation : heterosexual
Partners : Sibel Siuel (wife, deceased), Viola Laforêt (girlfriend, deceased), Marian Leblanc
Children : Nelgan Urno (son, deceased)
Parents : Ordal Nhle and Munesz Sut (both deceased)

Character : Anonyma de Ronceval

Born : Ersk Meride
Title : Grand Prophet of the Valakian Imperator

Gender : Female
Race : Nirnaelite
Heritage : Valakian
Birthplace : Midian
Residence : Nirnael
Age : 4024 years old (immortal)
Height : 7f04
Weight : 180lbs
Hair : bald, wears lilac-coloured wigs
Eyes : glowing ember, dark scleras

Sexual orientation : bisexual
Parents : Anderzu Annemlon (status unclear) and Surano Tyige (deceased), Amaury de Ronceval (adoptive father, alive)

01 January 2023

Character : Guillaume Altyna

Title : Raja of Alizarnon

Gender : Male
Race : Auriel
Heritage : Alizarin
Age : 32 years old
Height : 6f01
Weight : 180lbs
Hair : platinum blond
Eyes : red

Veteran of many battles despite his young age, Guillaume is the undisputed leader of Alizarnon. His seat of power is the capital, Ras Harmah. Since Alizarnon is part of the Valakian Empire, Guillaume swears fealty to Imperator Algernon Baudouin.