11 May 2023

Flora : Mushrooms of Hautemort

Often called "mushroom country", Hautemort has a wide variety of eclectic fungi.

Orange Spindle
Bright and flavourful, this mushroom cannot be missed.

Peat Brownie
An icon of the swamps, it is edible but tastes just like where it grows.

Charred Pancake Cup
If harvested before it turns black, it can be consumed as long as it is cooked thoroughly.

Dangling Brittlegill
Grows on cave ceilings and the underside of large branches. The cave variety is toxic.

Rock Paluster
Despite its name, this mushroom is tender and delicious.

Dead Man's Fingers
Resembles rotting fingers rising from the ground. Areas where it is found are believed to be cursed.

Octopus Stinkhorn
Bright red and emitting a foul odour. Only insects enjoy this one.

Bog Bell
An unassuming yellow mushroom. Extremely dangerous as its spores cause the deadly brain mycosis disease.

Swamp Beacon
Glowing a faint blue. Unpalatable, but the spores are used in medicine.

Rooting Lichen
An unappealing cluster of grey strands. Can be steeped into tea and broth.

Black Velvet Bolete
Large, dark, and gorgeous, this mushroom is toxic but many people start cultures of them to embellish their gardens.

Thorny Twins
This mushroom always grows two heads for one stem. Simply touching it is enough to make someone sick.

Bleeding Bonnet
Oily and dripping red. Despite what it looks like, it is not toxic, but it tastes horrible.

Handsome Colony
Many different fungi that always grow together inside of rotting logs.

04 May 2023

Flora : Mushrooms of Gyalkhii

Despite being a volcanic wasteland, the ever-burning forests of Gyalkhii are home to a few fungi.

Crowned Spore Mound
When the dusty spores turn red, they are ready to harvest. Their vinegary taste make for a good seasoning.

Bursting Puffball
The base is toxic, but the delicate blooming petals are a tangy delicacy.

Growing in clusters, these mushrooms have a charred flavour and soft consistency.

Rebirthing Lycoperdon
The first growth of this mushroom is unpalatable. One must wait until the cap falls over and begins growing anew.

Lava Tower
A large, fiery-looking bolete. Despite its appearance, it has quite a mild flavour.

Molten Russula
Must be harvested before it begins to produce acidic slime. Its ashen flavour is often called an acquired taste.

Only grows near lava as it needs fire to disperse. If harvested at the right time, it's a delicacy on top of already being cooked to perfection.

Dragon Nest
Only the fruiting buds at its centre are tender enough to consume.

02 May 2023

Flora : Mushrooms of Exilieu

Great King Bolete
A giant, nut-flavoured mushroom that is very popular.

Wood Ear
Found in most forests, must be well-cooked before consumption.

Mossy King Bolete
A green variant of the great king bolete that grows exclusively on moss.

Straw Mushroom
Named for their long, thin clusters the colour of dried hay.

Walnut Pod
Very flavourful, but hard like wood. Must be steeped to make broth.

Exclusive to the island of Bergeglace. Oozes icy slime and is perpetually cold to the touch.

Must be harvested before it becomes drippy and oily, otherwise it is unpalatable.

Regal Oyster
A delicate, mild mushroom that is quite versatile.

Sweet Milk Bouquet
The icon of Margrace cuisine. Mushrooms are kept together and cooked as is making for a great presentation.

Lion's Mane
A rare delicacy found only in early summer.