28 February 2023

Character : Claude Beauregard

Title : Raven of St-Frusquin

Gender : Male
Race : Margrace
Heritage : Sombrelune
Age : 38 years old
Height : 6'6
Weight : 200lbs
Hair : dark brown
Eyes : blue

Husband : Honoré Dubois

Claude first rose to prominence by becoming the bodyguard of Valère Langevin. After Valère became governor of Margracier, Claude would become the leader of the newly reformed Knights of St-Frusquin. In secret, he and Valère would work on a vaccine to prevent the spread of the Wurdulys plague. The research had to be kept under wraps due to inhumane experiments.

20 February 2023

Character : Monica Ismer

Born : Monica Jousseaume
Job : guitarist of Laethmal

Gender : Female
Race : Margrace
Heritage : Nameless
Birthplace : Colombe
Residence : Markiviet
Age : 37 years old
Height : 5'11
Weight : 150lbs
Hair : black, dyed red
Eyes : black

Husband : Jacques Ismer

Monica always held a strong distaste for the ways of her people, the Margrace. From a very young age, she left the familial home to join the outcasts of Markiviet. Her chiselled features and incredible hairstyle landed her many modelling job, but her true calling was music.

When her boyfriend Jacques told her he had been approached to join a small band called Laethmal, Monica would join as well as rhythm guitarist.

Adopting a maid costume as her stage attire, a very inappropriate garment for any dignified Margrace lady to wear, she would be dubbed as a shocking, rebellious pauper. Margraces are obsessed with cleanliness, but it is seen as shameful and disgusting to do your own cleaning, thus they hire Marki maids to do it for them. That a beautiful Margrace woman would don such an outfit is a disgrace.

However, Monica views it as empowering and seeks to end the discrimination of the Markis. Laethmal fans hail her as a fashion icon and role model. Her style is often mimicked by the rebellious youth.

16 February 2023

Character : Suzie Vasily

Title : Grand Daichiin of the Ahmed Isles

Gender : Female
Race : Auriel
Heritage : Ahmedin
Birthdate : 21 Nolta 3963
Age : 39 years old
Height : 6'5
Weight : 200lbs
Hair : burgundy
Eyes : orange

Suzie is the fearsome sorceress who leads the Ahmedin exiles. According to legend, she is descended from the first warlock, Sartaq Nügelten, himself. Although proud of her heritage, she understands the dangers of Helen and opted to wield the arcane instead.

15 February 2023

Broken Heart of Eler

The Heart of Eler, ripped from the entrails of the earth by the Midianites, as an offering to their reluctant god.

He refused the gift.

Shortly after his sacrifice, the heart was broken.

Thirteen fragments of the Heart were lost when the Doom came to Midian. A few sank at the bottom of the ocean with the city when the curse peaked. A handful of these fragments were brought back ashore by the marine currents over the centuries. Most were sold, stolen, resold. Rumours began to circulate that these fragments were magical, could cure illnesses, grant eternal life, or even make wishes come true. All were subjugated by their iridescent beauty of indescribable colours.

Time passed and these fragments became legends.

13 February 2023

Location : Plage aux Couronnes

 Location : Mortailes, Almer

The Eastern coast of Mortailes is famous for its gorgeous beaches. None more famous than the Plage aux Couronnes (beach of crowns). The sparkling, silken sand and colourful vegetation combined with the most gorgeous and unusual shells washing ashore make it a prime vacation spot. Early in the morning, when the tide recedes, the sealife left upon the shore sparkles like gems, giving the beach its name.

The Danakis are fiercely protective of the integrity of nature. As such, the beach is never overcrowded and kept utterly pristine. The collecting of those strange seashells is heavily regulated and one must pay a hefty sum to be able to bring one back with them.

Deity : Ménandu

Founder of the Meinand line of Mambos leading the Danaki people. Once a mortal, she rose to godhood by being the first necromancer of Eler and raising herself from the grave. The Danakis worship her to this day as Maman Squelette.

12 February 2023

Anomaly : Beholder of Bekçi

Location : Bekçi, Alizarnon, Zardunel

The mage-city of Bekçi began developing when a mysterious floating eye was discovered near the Tsust'shüd peaks near the border between the deserts Laenatan and Thüruntsöl. No one knows how this eye appeared, what its powers are, and who (or what) it belongs to.

A grand edifice was built surrounding the eye, further cementing its divine allure amongst the locale populace. The denizens of Bekçi feel protected under the watchful gaze of the Beholder.

11 February 2023

Character : Galmur Tsusmanj

Title : Khaantor of Luu'süm

Gender : Male
Race : Bantak
Heritage : Untsüs
Age : 61 years old
Height : 8'2
Weight : 380lbs
Hair : red
Eyes : yellow

Sexual orientation : bisexual
Wife : Jenar Aimshigam (deceased)
16 children
Son : Abhar Destra
Parents : Bayar Khyereg (deceased) & Narny Büslekh
Brother : Ainur Luudarga

10 February 2023

Character : Ophélia Aldenir

Born : Ophélia Donovan
Title : Caliph of Piriltine, Beloved by Death

Gender : Female
Race : Auriel
Heritage : Jeddite
Birthdate : 14 Thulce 3976
Age : 26 years old (immortal)
Height : 5'7
Weight : 160lbs
Hair : dyed pink, originally white
Eyes : red

Sexual orientation : asexual
Partner : Saint Andrew Aldenir of Leene
Parents : Roman Donovan (deceased) & Rachel Nalder (deceased)
Brothers : Zachary Donovan, Charles Donovan (deceased)

09 February 2023

Capital : Sanguinat

Capital of Outremer, home of the Danakis du Premier Sang.
Ruler : Hungan Grégoire Mirlande
Population : Unknown

Eerie Sanguinat stands underneath an accursed red sky. Not much is known about the city and its inhabitants. The Danakis du Premier Sang are notoriously secretive and do not interact with their continental brethren. Rumours run wild about Outremer, most believing it to be a Defilement.

Capital : Sorciel

Located deep within the great marsh Iracomté in Hautemort, Sorciel is so seldom visited that some people doubt its existence. It is rumoured to be the home of the Witch of Iracomté, a mythic figure said to be able to predict the future with terrifying accuracy.

There are no census to tell how many people inhabit Sorciel. Most are believed to be craven witches and nefarious murderers. Tales even speak of unholy union between humans and the monstrous insects of the marsh.

06 February 2023

Character : Mukhtar Samir

Title : Grand Daichiin of the Zurkhal Clan

Gender : Male
Race : Bantak
Heritage : Zurkhal
Birthplace : Narnuur
Residence : Narnuur
Age : 37 years old
Height : 7'08
Weight : 300lbs
Hair : ochre
Eyes : yellow

Partner : Irkhana Andul

Leader of the Zurkhal clan, the original Bantaks who remained in Zardunel. He is a great warrior at home in the harsh desert.

05 February 2023

Character : Grégoire Mirlande

Title : Hungan of Outremer

Gender : Male
Race : Danaki
Heritage : Premier Sang
Birthplace : Sanguinat
Residence : Sanguinat
Age : 45 years old
Height : 5'05
Weight : 150lbs
Hair : dark red
Eyes : green

Grégoire is the feared leader of the Outremer Danakis. A powerful and ruthless witch doctor who dabbles in haruspicine and necromancy. Rumours even say he can shapeshift into various animals.

04 February 2023

Character : Justin de Valence

Born : Justine Langevin
Feat : First Margrace warlock

Gender : Male
Race : Margrace
Heritage : Nameless
Birthplace : St-Aldène-sur-Mer
Residence : Beaumanoir
Age : 33 years old
Height : 5'11
Weight : 170lbs
Hair : black, partly bleached white
Eyes : black

Sexual orientation : heterosexual
Partner : Malaria
Parents : Valère Langevin & Valérie Langevin (deceased)
Siblings : Valérianne Langevin (sister), Énola Meinand (half-sister), Richard Langevin (half-brother)