28 February 2024

Character : Amaury de Ronceval

Real Name : Gyul Letargis
Titles : Right Hand of Il Imperator, Spymaster of Valakis

Gender : Male
Race : Nirnaelite
Heritage : Valakian
Birthplace : Midian
Residence : Sarna/Nirnael
Age : 4041 years old (immortal)
Height : 8f04
Weight : 250lbs
Hair : ashen lillac, wavy, waist length
Eyes : bright lime green, dark scleras

Sexual orientation : bisexual
Partners : Iloni Despin (wife, deceased)
Children : Baza Rabian (son, deceased), Anonyma de Ronceval (adopted daughter)
Parents : Mirka Hnyad & Kauge Nhyoge (both deceased)

26 February 2024

Character : Dagmar Koschei

Title : Hospodar of Orkhison

Gender : Male
Race : Bantak
Heritage : Orkhin
Height : 7'4
Weight : 200lbs
Hair : grey
Eyes : purple

25 February 2024

Capital : Chötgör

Capital of Orkhison, home of Clan Orkhin.
Leader : Osarn Koschei Ikh'dainy
Population : unknown

Capital : Giskhöt

Capital of Ganereg, home of Clan Gangakh.
Ruler : Ainur Luudarga Khaantor
Population : 150 000 inhabitants, 80% Bantak, 15% Marki, 5% Margrace

20 February 2024

City : Yörne

Location : Luu'süm, Ghaur

Dubbed Fairest in the Swamp, Yörne sits on lake Baigaa and is bordered by an eponymous weald. The warm waters from the volcanic activity in the region keeps the snow at bay and allow an exotic variety of heat-resistant plants to thrive.

The city is heavily populated by workers on the Great Lake Dam, which is just a few hours drive from there.

City : Erdenes

Location : Luu'süm, Ghaur

Prosperous Erdenes was built atop the remains of the dragon Gitsalgamet and her golden hoard.

City : Kharansar

Location : Tostolbo, Ghaur

The great industrial city of Kharansar is well-known for its Order of Knights as well as being the birthplace of Frusquin Sombrelune, 35th Margrace Pontiff and founder of the Order.

To this day, Kharansar is still a heavily populated by Margraces as well as their hybrid offspring from unions with Bantaks. While the seat of the Order was relocated to Margracier, Kharansar still remains the prime training academy for aspiring Knights.

Anomaly : Shilengaval Falls

Location : Khüsner, Ghaur

The frozen waterfalls of Shilengaval pour from a giant skull of unknown origins. The hissing of water and wind create a constant, eerie cry that can be heard a great distance. The falls pour into the Aldsalan Lake, formed by a meteor impact when Eler was young. Some believe the skull itself was what created the crater.

Wild rumours abound around the area. It is said that there is a secret lair within the skull or behind the thick sheets of ice made by the waterfalls. That this cave could lead beyond the Obsidian Diadem into the Forbidden Lands of Eternal Night. Some also believe that the area serves as a lair for an ancient dragon summoned by the warlock Sartaq Nügelten during the civil war. That the cries come not from the falls, but from the dragon trapped within.

19 February 2024

City : St-Aldène-sur-Mer

Location : Eastern coast of Exilieu, Almer

Founded by the 22nd Pontiff of Margracier, Saint Aldène Delamer, it was once the first and only city in Exilieu to welcome Markis without prejudices.

15 February 2024

Anomaly : Nyaltsgai

Location : Under Mengur Mines, Ganereg, Ghaur
Potency : lethal

When digging for ore underneath the Golmörnii mountains, the Bantaks uncovered ancient ruins of unknown origins. A peculiar substance began oozing from the oily rocks, its touch like acid. The weird slime would jump onto people, melting their flesh, before attempting to latch onto another victim.

Fumes caused miners to become sick and oozing as well. Very quickly, the area was decimated. The last three survivors to escape only had time to send a distress signal before succumbing on their way away from the site.

The first rescue team did not make it back.

The second one returned with vast casualties and demanded the area to be sealed off.

The ooze that had made its way out of the mines eventually crawled back into the darkness due to lack of victims to consume.

To this day, two hundred years later, the area is heavily monitored from afar. Attempts to burn away the contagion caused horrendous acidic rainfall that decimated surrounding crops. Only recently have those fields become exploitable again. The bizarre substance has not been properly studied and no one knows what it truly is or where it came from. Despite the majority of the Ghaurian territory being excavated, nothing like it was encountered anywhere else. The nearby Uzbeg Industrial Complex stopped digging towards the northwest for fear of connecting with the Mengur tunnels.

Dungeon : Fungal Cave

Location : Hautemort, Almer

A vast cavern famous for its eclectic variety of mushrooms. Some of them unique to this specific area. It's a popular spot for foragers despite the nasty creatures that can be found lurking in the darkness.

05 February 2024

Landmark : Ergüüleg Tower

 Location : Orkhison, Ghaur

The fabled mage tower of the North. Located deep within Orkhison, this secluded area is spoken about only in cautious whispers. Some even deny its existence.

Since time immemorial, it has been the meeting spot for warlocks, magicians, sorcerers, and wizards of all kinds. The tower is both the greatest library of grimoires and an academy of the arcane as well as the dark arts. Legend has it that even the infamous warlock Sartaq Nügelten studied there.

Landmark : Tömör'güür

Location : connecting Exilieu in Almer to Luu'süm in Ghaur

A marvel of Bantak engineering, the famous Iron Bridge is made of Destra alloy, thus immobile against the raging ocean. It has remained in excellent conditions for over a thousand years and requires very little maintenance.

The bridge is outfitted with a tramway system and various halts to take travellers from one side to the other, a three days journey. While the structure itself is made to withstand the elements with ease, a meteorological station monitors the weather closely. When the conditions are too harsh, the bridge is closed off for safety. There are numerous emergency shelters for travellers who might become stranded on the bridge due to sudden storms.

Location : Luu'khaanchlack

Location : Luu'süm, Ghaur

The Eternal Battlefield is where the best Bantak hunters test their mettle against ferocious dragons. The scorched landscape is filled with bones and charred corpses from both sides.

From dragon blood, blacksmiths can smelt Destra alloy, a prized material in construction and weaponcrafting. Dragon scales are also used to make armours and plating for various usage. As such, taking down a large dragon is a feat of heroism, bringing glory to the hunters and riches to the entire clan.

03 February 2024

Landmark : Great Lake Shuurgakhyalt Dam

Location : Ganereg, Ghaur

The hydro-electrical dam on the great lake Shuurgakhyalt is a wonder of Bantak engineering. It generates enough power for the entire continent of Ghaur and then some.

Anomaly : Mengur Mines


Location : Ganereg, Ghaur

The mines of Mengur were once a thriving source of employment and riches. Now, they sit long abandoned, along with its eponymous mining town. No one is certain of what happened, but rumours claim that the diggers unearthed something unspeakable deep within. Now the surrounding area is contaminated by an unknown plague said to melt the flesh of anyone it comes in contact with. As such, the entire mountain pass was sealed off.

Location : Halzun Gölce

Location : Border between Jeddah and Alizarnon, Zardunel

Great lake connecting the Masmavir delta to the Arondis river, making a perfect naval trade route between Jeddah and Alizarnon. Its limpid blue water is also quite the tourist attraction as well as pride of the locals. Sacred alligators can be seen lazily swimming around and are under protection of the law.