20 May 2024

Class : Summoner Animist

If you are an Auriel and chose Summoner class, you will be an Animist. Your deep connection to the earth allows you to breathe life into the very rocks.

Your elemental damage turns to physical and your minion is a golem. Unlike other Summoners, you can only have one minion, but it is larger and stronger than any others.

Your minion cannot be more than 100m away from you or it will become inactive.

+2 strength
Baseline : Earth Grimoire
Weapon Proficiency : Earth Focus or Unarmed

If you wish to be a dps gain +4 STR +10 max MP
If you wish to be a tank gain +6 DEF and +10 max HP

As a dps, you will use spells to deal damage with an earth focus as your catalyst. Your main source of damage will be through your minion.
As a tank, you will use your stone-enhanced fists to strike enemies and have a few support spells to back you up. You cannot summon a minion.

Starting at LVL5 all spells that deal physical dmg have a 10% chance to inflict the Grievous Wound debuff.
Grievous Wound : You are badly wounded. Physical dmg dealt reduced by 80%. You can no longer run. You can no longer dodge. Max HP cut by 50%. Suffer -5 HP per turn. Once HP reaches 0, you faint. If 5 turns pass afterwards, you die. This is a dangerous alteration that must be treated quickly.

Consult the Earth Magic page for a list of the spells you can cast.

Animate Earth (dps only)
Spell LVL1. Summon a golem minion to serve you. The golem has STRxLVL HP and deals STR+LVL physical damage and has 20% chance to inflict the Grievous Wound debuff. It is immune to all forms of elemental attacks and highly resistant to slash and pierce dmg. The golem will attack whoever you command it to attack. Commanding your golem is a free action. If your golem is slain, you can cast Animate Earth again to reform it. Your golem is tough and cannot be disintegrated.

Unlike other Summoner minions, your golem does not really scare the commonfolk. It can be used to intimidate a target, but people will not be keen to flee just from seeing it wandering about.

Mountain Rider (dps only)
Skill LVL1. Unmissable. Climb atop your golem. Though slow, it can be reliably used as an indefatigable mount. The golem can scale any stone surface with ease, carrying you atop walls and mountains. It can also be used to cross hazardous terrains or pools (except lava and acid) less than 2m deep. In combat, you gain a good vantage point 2m + your height above the battlefield. You can cast spells from atop your golem and will not be impeded by the Earthen Wall ability. You can still be hit, but any non-homing attack have a 50% chance to miss. All melee attackers below cannot reach.

Stone Defence (tank only)
Buff LVL1. Unmissable. Dismantle your golem to surround yourself with a whirling shield of earth, gaining +10 physical defence and +3 to all resistances.

Boulder Punch (tank only)
Skill LVL1. Strike your target with a vicious blow. Deals STR Physical dmg. Small non-elite targets have a 10% chance to instantly die crushed.

Earthen Transferal (tank only)
Spell LVL2. Priority cast. Send your Stone Defence to encase an ally. You will be left defenceless and your ally will be unable to act. However, they will be immune to all forms of damage except radiation. Lasts as long as you wish. You can recall the Stone Defence to yourself at any time as a free action.

Mountain Challenger (tank only)
Skill LVL3. Taunt the target, forcing them to attack you for the next 5 turns.

Unlocks at LVL5
You can only pick 1

Regenerative Mud (dps only)
Your golem gradually reconstructs over time, healing for 5% of its max HP at the end of every turn.

Blooming Companion (dps only)
Your golem's body now supports basic plant life, granting it boons depending on the flora where it was formed.

A native fruit tree sapling hangs from your golem, growing one fruit every day. This fruit can be consumed to curb hunger for 2 hours. The golem can eat the fruit to instantly regenerate 50% of its max HP.

Blooming saxifrage clings to every crag of your golem. An Alchemist will have plenty of the main ingredient to brew potent regenerative potions.

Serrated cacti cover your golem, adding +15 piercing dmg to its attacks. The cacti can be consumed to fully quench thirst and stave off hunger for 2 hours.

Bioluminescent mushrooms cover your golem, dripping with humidity as long as they are in a cave environment. Your golem will act as a lightning rod, absorbing any incoming electrical attacks without being damaged by them.

Obsidian Splinters (tank only)
Your Stone Defence now deals LVL physical dmg to all melee attackers every time they strike you.

Telluric Connection (tank only)
Passively regenerate LVL in HP per turn. This effect persists through debuffs and unconsciousness.


Unlocks at LVL10

Sunder (dps only)
Spell. Crumble your golem into several animated pebbles. In this form, you can use the pebbles to cast the powerful Rock Slide spell without expending MP. The pebbles can be commanded to investigate small passages and retrieve objects. They can also crawl into heavy machinery to disable it. You can reform the pebbles into the golem any time as a free action.

Diamond Skin (tank only)
Buff. Priority cast. For 3 turns, you are immune to all forms of damage and reflect all attacks back to the attackers.

Unlocks at LVL10
You can only pick 1

Diamond-Studded (dps only)
Your golem gain 3x its base DEF and will reflect 50% of all damage it receives back onto its attackers.

Animate Metal (dps only)
You can now amalgamate various metal objects, scraps, and weapons into a golem. This creation is nigh indestructible, deals 2x the dmg of a regular golem, has 5x its DEF, and has a 50% chance to inflict the Bleed debuff.

This golem cannot benefit from the Blooming Companion perk.

Water spells, rain, and general humidity (such as in jungles and caves) will cause the golem to rust unless promptly dried up. Each day spent in a wet environment will reduce its DEF by -1. If DEF reaches 0, it will crumble.

Animate Lava
(dps only)
You can now crack the earth open and shape molten lava into a golem. All of your golem dmg will turn to Fire and have a 100% chance to inflict the Burn debuff. An aura of radiating heat will surround the golem for up to 5m, causing LVL+10 heat dmg to those within range, including allies. The golem is immune to all forms of damage except water magic.

You can no longer use the Mountain Rider skill. You can now combine your earth magic with the golem's innate fire to gain access to the powerful Eruption spell, normally only reserved for Conjurers. Unless you are in a volcanic environment, your golem will cool off and shatter into obsidian glass after 8 days and will need to be summoned again. Water spells will speed up this process, reducing the golem's lifespan by 1 day every time it's hit by a water spell above LVL5.

This golem does benefit from the Blooming Companion perk. You can harvest Burning Bolettes from its more solid areas. These mushrooms, normally exclusively found in Ghaur, are the main component in many fire potions and elixirs. They also make for excellent eating once cooled off.

Stone Tower (tank only)
Bonuses of Stone Defence increased x4 for a total of 40 DEF and +12 to all resistances.

Eye of the Sandstorm (tank only)
Your Stone Defence whirls like a sandstorm. All melee attackers will be assaulted for LVL+5 physical dmg when they strike you. This effect stacks with Obsidian Splinters. The sand will also reduce the attacker's accuracy by 50% for 3 turns.

All of your attacks have a 100% chance to inflict the reduce the target's physical dmg dealt by 50% for 1 turn. This also applies to your golem's attacks.