21 May 2024

Class : Conjurer

As a Conjurer, you call upon the elements in battle. The first grimoire you pick will be baseline, the subsequent ones will take up a medium item slot in your backpack. At LVL5 you can pick a 2nd grimoire, a 3rd one at LVL10 and the 4th and final one at LVL15. This is entirely optional and you can chose to focus on a single school of magic. Doing so will increase its damage every 5 LVL instead of selecting another grimoire.

The conjurer class is available to these races :
Auriel, Danaki, Margrace, Marki, Baronet, Bufonier, Reptilian

Conjurer and Arcanist cannot gain Renown with these factions :
Order of the Nameless, Triumvir of Dragonslayers

+2 ATU
Weapon Proficiency : Staff or Wand
Staff : your offensive spells deal more damage
Wand : your defensive spells are more efficient

Consult the grimoires for a list of spells.

Earth Grimoire
Focus : Diamond/Petrified Wood

Wind Grimoire

Focus : Chimes/Handfan

Fire Grimoire

Focus : Everburning Ember/Candle

Water Grimoire
Focus : Conch/Eternal Ice


The Arcanist version of the Conjurer class is available to theses races :
Auriel, Danaki, Baronet, Bufonier

Your elemental damage turns to Cosmic.

+4 ATU
Baseline : Cosmic Grimoire
Focus : Rainbow Seedpod/Tektite

Starting at LVL5, all spells that deal Cosmic dmg have a chance to inflict the Refracted debuff.
Refracted : Curse. Alter reality around the target. Every time they attack, they will deal 1D4% (10% to 40%) of that dmg back to themselves.

Call Beyond

Uncanny Pulsar

Slumber Mist
Send a soporific cloud towards the enemies. All caught must do a mettle check or they will fall asleep for 4 turns.

Inescapable Nightmare
Assault a sleeping target's dreams, causing 1D10+10 Eldritch dmg. This attack has a 10% chance to add 1 more turn of Sleep for the creature. This cannot wake the target.

Spell LVL9. Manipulate an object up to 50m away from you with the power of your mind. The weight of the object cannot exceed your ATUx10. Can be used to move creatures as well.

Intangible Blink
Spell LVL9. You instantly teleport 10m in the direction of your choosing. Any physical obstacle in the way will be phased through. Can also be used to instantly phase through objects less than 10m wide.

Contact the Egregore
Skill LVL9. In any area where a powerful memory lingers (such as a place of worship, a battlefield, a torture chamber, a place of execution, etc.) use your extrasensory ability to view such memories. You may even come into contact with the imaginary deity of a cult made manifest through devotion. Be wary though, as contacting an egregore will make it aware of your presence. Most are harmless, but some particularly malevolent ones will attach to you like a parasite. Being haunted by an egregore will result in maddening whispers and nightmares until you can be cleansed.


You are a dancer on the brink of Madness. When your SAN is 5 and below, gain +5 attack. This buff remains when afflicted by Madness and stacks with its bonuses.

Being afflicted by Madness will no longer result in the permanent Broken debuff.

Unlocks at LVL10

Show all enemies what lies beyond the veil. All non-elite creatures will flee in terror, never to be seen again. Elite creatures must perform a mettle check of 6+ to determine whether they flee or not. Even if they don't flee, they must pass the next 2 turns, reeling from fear.

Grand Meteor
Call forth an aberrant meteor onto targets, dealing 500 physical dmg instantly + 2D10x5 eldritch dmg every turn for 5 turns to all within a 20m radius of impact. Those at ground zero must move away as anyone who suffers all 5 turns of eldritch dmg will die no matter how much HP they have left.

Black Hole
Delete an entity from existence. All items and loot the target was carrying will also cease to exist.

Planar Shift
Become intangible for 5 turns. You can still interact with the world, but nothing can touch you. This ability can be used to avoid damage in combat, bypass deadly traps, prevent fall damage, fake one's own death, etc.

Unlocks at LVL10
You can only pick 1

Hollow Orbits
You pulled your own eyeballs out and now carry them around. You can still see quite well, gaining night vision and the Elder Eyes skill. However, you are very distressing-looking now, and lose -8 CHA. With your eyes in hand, focus your sight to see through walls less than 1m thick and objects such as boxes and chests.

Witness to the End
Mettle can no longer be checked. Your sanity can no longer be depleted.