28 October 2022

Anomaly : Great Weaver's Needle

Iğne by Hiranur Ganötel, 2703, oil on canvas

Location : Thuruntsöl Desert, Zürkhalakh, Zardunel

A jet black monolith so high it disappears in the sky. Its construction is flawless. Its surface cold even under the pitiless desert suns. It's perfectly smooth and seems to absorb the light. Its colour so black it looks like a tear in reality and not like something tangible.

At least this is what was written. No one has ever seen the Needle up close and came back. What little knowledge there is comes from the journal of Aaron Mordecan, an explorer who made it to the Needle and managed to write a few lines about his discovery. Aaron himself was never seen again, but his journal was found centuries later, far away from the Needle, by another explorer, Joachim Orman. As he never got really close to the site, he managed to return relatively unharmed, having brought back the only existing information about this construct. Strangely enough, Aaron's journal seemed to have been written that very same day, the ink of the last entry still fresh, and had not suffered any damage by the elements.

Stranger still was the fact that Joachim had left for a mere fortnight, but was adamant about being lost in the desert for many months. His wounds and emaciated body were a testament to his words. He died less than a year after his return, locked away in the Deryapis prison for he had become obsessed with the desire to return to the Needle. Feeling an irresistible draw towards it which proved to be his downfall when he tried to flee and swim all the way back to the coast.

The Needle is one of the most powerful anomalies. It's seen from very far away, long before reaching the zone where its cosmic influence starts being felt. It's impossible to take a picture of it as it distorts images. It's even impossible to paint it. Many artists have made attempts, but their hands contorted in agonizing pain when came the time to paint the Needle in the landscape. All art turns into scribbled mess. Many of those ruined paintings are displayed at the museum in Bekçi. Visitors report not being able to stare at them for too long, stating a growing unease and nausea, even though they're all nothing but abstract failures.

The most famous of those paintings is pictured above. Simply titled Iğne (needle), by famous Auriel painter Hiranur Ganötel. Although 1300 years old now, it is still the least messy depiction of the Needle to this day. Rumour has it that Ganötel mysteriously vanished after painting this and that the black scribble changed shape afterwards.

27 October 2022

Anomaly : Crater of Iracomté


Location : Iracomté, Hautemort, Almer

Once a verdant region, a meteor crashed into the land long ago, destroying everything around the point of impact. The meteor burned so hot it burrowed deep into the earth, corrupting the underground water source and creating boiling geysers that flooded the area into a sulfurous, pestilent swamp.

To this day, the meteor still burns deep within the crater. Its eldritch radiation has long died down to a safe level, but the region is far too mutated to ever recover. Horrendous cross between man and insect, toxic gasses, acid lakes, boiling mud, unknown diseases, carnivorous plants large enough to trap a human, these are but few of the dangers awaiting travelers who dare venture too far into Iracomté.

While the area surrounding the crater sees tourists regularly and is relatively safe if one can withstand the stench, the rest of the swamp is off-limits.

However, this does not prevent certain individuals from risking their life. Beyond Iracomté lies the forbidden city of Sorciel where it is believed a coven of witches, led by the infamous Witch of Iracomté, resides. Rumoured to be able to see into one's future, people have made the journey seeking answers to their most burning questions.

Very few have returned.

26 October 2022

People of Eler : Nirnaelite

Continent : Zardunel
Countries : Valakis, Alizarnon
Capital : Sarna, Nirnael
Leader : Imperator Algernon Baudouin
Language : Valak, Nirneth
Faction : Valakian Empire
Politics : Dictatorship
Religion : Viergerine Odalis, Yhrze
Alignment : Chaotic Neutral
Colour : Yellow
Insignia : A crescent moon laying under an amber orb
Favoured class : Assassin
Immortality : Achieved
Life Expectancy : Immortal
Height : 7'00-9'00
Weight : 200-300 lbs
Skin : shades of blue
Hair : very pale shades, golden blond is the darkest it gets
Eyes : warm colours are common, cold colours are rarer

25 October 2022

People of Eler : Margrace

Continent : Almer
Country : Exilieu
Capital : Margracier
Leader : Governor Valère Langevin
Language : Margrançois
Affiliation : Order of the Nameless
Politics : Dictatorship
Religion : Church of the Nameless
Alignment : Neutral Good
Colour : Blue
Insignia : A white mountain upon a blue sky
Favoured Class : Knight
Immortality : Severing body and soul
Life Expectancy : 200 years
Height : 6'00-7'00
Weight : 100-125 lbs
Skin : pale
Hair : black
Eyes : black

24 October 2022

People of Eler : Danaki

Continent : Almer
Country : Mortailes
Capital : Dan
Leader : Mambo Victoria Meinand
Language : Danak
Affiliation : Daughters of Death
Politics : Theocracy
Religion : Maman Ménandu
Alignment : Lawful Neutral
Colour : Green
Insignia : An emerald serpent crowning a white skull
Immortality : Necromancy
Life Expectancy : 200 years
Height : 4'00-5'00
Weight : 90-150 lbs
Skin : from brown to black
Hair : blond, orange, red, pink, purple
Eyes : purple, blue, yellow, orange, red, pink, grey, silver (extremely rare)

23 October 2022

People of Eler : Bantak

Continent : Ghaur
Countries : Luusüm, Ganereg, Tostolbo
Capital : Delkhiin
Leader: Galmur Tsusmanj Khaantor
Language : Banetongue
Affiliation : Triumvir of Dragonslayers, Order of the Nameless
Politics : Socialism
Religion : Forbidden
Alignment : Chaotic Good
Colour : Red
Insignia : A red lance piercing a black dragon's head
Immortality : N/A
Life Expectancy : 250 years
Height : 8'00-9'00
Weight : 450-600 lbs
Skin : shades of brown or grey
Hair : black, brown, red, orange, yellow, blond (very rare)
Eyes : black, brown, yellow, red, orange, grey, blue (very rare)

22 October 2022

People of Eler : Auriel

Continent : Zardunel
Country : Jeddah
Capital : Piriltine
Leaders : Caliph Ophélia Aldenir & Saint Andrew Aldenir
Language : Silvertongue
Affiliation : Daughters of Death
Politics : Caliphate
Religion : God of Death
Alignment : Lawful Neutral
Colour : Purple
Insignia : A golden chalice bearing a shiny diamond
Favoured Class : Enchanter
Immortality : Being one with Death
Life Expectancy : 200 years
Height : 5'00-6'06
Weight : 150-250 lbs
Skin : shades of golden
Hair : any colour
Eyes : red, blue, or green are common, other colours less so

21 October 2022

Map of Eler

I made it using the Heroes of Might & Magic III map editor since I can't draw maps to save my life (and I also really dig the aesthetics).

The map shows the known world as documented by explorers and cartographers.

Continent : Almer
Countries : Mortailes, Hautemort, Exilieu, Iracomté, Le Havre, Outremer

Continent : Ghaur
Countries : Luusüm, Ganereg, Tostolbo, Orkhison, Khüsner, Gyalkhii, Quris

Continent : Zardunel
Countries : Valakis, Jeddah, Alizarnon, Zürkhalakh, Ahmed Isles

Lere : The Great Below
Map of Eler's underground

20 October 2022

Planet Eler


Eler is a small planet in the Castique system.
It has one moon, Viergerine Odalis, and two suns, Gezis Prime and Gezis Minor.

The planet is wounded and doomed to die. Its heart, crystalized blood of an Elder Being, was partially mined and now the gaping wound is left festering with curses and seeping with rot.

Luckily, the planet is protected by Éméris, the Enchanted Hawthorn, an immense cosmic tree. It grants Eler a few millennia of life support, keeping the decay at bay, but its days are still numbered.