30 June 2023

Character : Tristan Chamberlain

Job : Mousquetaire du Corbeau

Gender : male
Race : Margrace
Heritage : Nameless
Birthplace : Mercœur
Age : 27 years old
Height : 5'11
Weight : 170lbs
Hair : black
Eyes : black

Youngest of the musketeers, the elite team of the Knights of St-Frusquin, Tristan is nevertheless an invaluable asset. His great faith in the Nameless allows him to cleanse defiled areas. His medical training allows him to aid his fellow knights. His knowledge is also put to good use in the making of poisons and wurdulys deterrents.

Character : Sébastianne Delacroix

Job : Mousquetaire du Corbeau

Gender : female
Race : Margrace
Heritage : Nameless
Birthplace : Saint-Onésime-de-Bellerive
Age : 31 years old
Height : 5'09
Weight : 165lbs
Hair : black
Eyes : black

High ranking member of the Knights of St-Frusquin. She is the only female musketeer. Second in command after their leader, Claude Beauregard, Raven of St-Frusquin. She is a fearsome wurdulys hunter and excellent infiltrator.

29 June 2023

Character : Sylvain Lombard

Job : keyboardist of Laethmal

Gender : male
Race : Margrace
Heritage : Marki
Birthplace : Markiviet
Age : 45 years old
Height : 5'11
Weight : 185lbs
Hair : blond, dyed with pink highlights
Eyes : green

Husband : Oswald Delamer
Parents : Martha Sauvage & Férédrence Lombard
Cousin : Ferne Sauvage

28 June 2023

Character : Nicolas Ayres

Gender : male
Race : Auriel
Heritage : Nirnbrood
Birthplace : Nirnael
Residence : Sarna
Age : 37 years old
Height : 6'0
Weight : 170lbs
Hair : auburn
Eyes : green

Master : Amaury de Ronceval
Sister : Thomasin Ayres

The Ayres lineage dates back thousands of years. They are Auriels born in Nirnael, selectively bred for their beauty and sexual prowess. Nicolas was first meant to be the Imperator's plaything. However, due to Algernon's abstinence, Nicolas remained devoted to his master, Amaury, who had trained him.

24 June 2023

Historical Figure : Paride of Marnek

Born : 1875 in Marnek
Died : 1978 (aged 103) in Sarna
Title : King Consort of Valakis
Claim to fame : establishing the Valakian Empire, last of the Marneki bloodline

20 June 2023

Status Alterations

Physical dmg is dealt by weapons and Earth magic.
Physical def comes from armour and Earth magic.

Debuff : Grievous Wound

Deals Lightning dmg.

Debuff : Paralysis
60% chance to lose your turn.

Deals Heat dmg.

Debuff : Burn

Heat Resist Calculations
Over 20 total Heat resist, you become immune to Burn.

Your heat resist stat x5 dictates the maximum temperature you can comfortably tolerate. For example : a character with 8 points in Heat RES will be fine in areas up to 40°C.

Deals Cold dmg.

Debuff : Frostbite
-5 speed for 5 turns.

Debuff : Frozen
Encased in ice. Unable to act until thawed or broken out. Death ensues after 8 turns spent Frozen.

Only deals Holy damage to Unholy creatures.

Debuff : Blind

Deals Decay damage.

Debuff : Wither

Deals Unholy dmg.

Debuff : Bleed
Debuff : Curse

Deals Eldritch dmg.
Eldritch resist comes from Sanity.

Debuff : Refraction
Debuff : Madness


- Insomnia
Unable to rest or sleep.

- Radiation
Consumed by eldritch radiation.

- Toxin
Venom and Poison
You can be afflicted by Toxin from a venomous bite, consuming a poisonous plant, breathing in toxic gasses, being splashed by Auriel blood, etc.

Some Toxins are lethal and must be treated immediately.
Other Toxins will deal damage for a certain amount of turns.

- Disease
You can catch a wide array of diseases from coming in contact with the infected, consuming dubious food, drinking stale water, being bitten by insects, etc.

Some Diseases are lethal and must be treated immediately.
Some Diseases have vaccination available.
Diseases have various adverse effects depending on their type and severity.
When afflicted by Disease, you can no longer eat, but you can drink.

17 June 2023

Location : Le Grand Dédale

 Location : far off the eastern coast of Zürkalakh, Zardunel

An immense labyrinth fortress so far out at sea it is nigh impossible to reach. Its walls are so high, they require well-geared expert climbers in order to make it to the ground floor.

This ancient monument puzzles historians and researchers alike. It is large enough to be a city, yet impossible to figure out where and how the materials were even brought there. Who built it? And for what purpose?

Inside the fortress, it is pitch-black. Most of the passageways are littered with ancient mirrors, dusty offerings, and eerie statues. The corridors are claustrophobic and the maze is extremely intricate. To this day, no one has managed to fully map it.

Officially, the fortress belongs to the Valakian Empire since they were the ones to discover it. Despite the location being so remote, the area is still guarded against intruders. Only erudites under the Imperator's command are allowed to explore and document the maze.

Location : Denizkaya Reef

 Location : off the coast of Sikada Island, Jeddah, Zardunel

The largest coral reef on Eler. It is home to many unique species. That, combined with its colourful display in crystal-clear warm water, makes it a popular tourist attraction. Visitations are limited and monitored as the area is protected as a marine sanctuary.

Many people claim to have seen Yveldes, mermaid-like demons, hiding within the reefs. No sightings have been officially confirmed.