31 July 2023

Character : Mina de Velours

Born : Mina Leblanc

Gender : neutral
Race : Baronet
Heritage : Danaki
Birthplace : Estéban
Residence : Vent-Tremblant
Age : 54 years old
Height : 5'1
Weight : 150lbs
Hair : blue, dyed black
Eyes : red
Husband : Béla de Velours
Sister : Mélodie Leblanc

Once a doctor, Mina was infected with the wurdulys curse by one of their patient.

30 July 2023

Character : Malaria

 Not many information are known about the demon Malaria. Once in service to the warlock Lazare Khelshatakh, he was accidentally unbound during a failed ritual in which Ünska Urgats killed her grand-father Lazare.

Free from his material anchor, Malaria willingly bound himself to Justin de Valence whom he now serves.

25 July 2023

Character : Bruje Uragdzürkh

 Parents : Jenar Aimshigam & Lazare Khelshatakh

21 July 2023

Character : Alexandre Laflamme

Gender : male
Race : Margrace
Heritage : Marki
Birthplace : Beaumanoir
Residence : Beaumanoir
Age : 33 years old
Height : 6'2
Weight : 180lbs
Hair : red
Eyes : blue

19 July 2023

People of Eler : Bufonier

Continent : Almer
Country : Hautemort
Leader: Princess Cunégonde Gutturaline
Language : Elerian, Peatspeech
Affiliation : Crusade
Politics : Imperialism
Religion : Great Bufo
Alignment : Lawful Neutral
Colour : Pink
Insignia : Holy Mushroom
Class Bonus : Paladin
Immortality : Worthy dead raised by the Great Bufo on Judgment Day
Life Expectancy : 100 years
Height : 3'00-4'00
Weight : 100-150 lbs
Skin : shades of brown or green
Hair : none
Eyes : black, brown, green, yellow, red, orange

The Bufonier were once mere toads. After the great meteor struck Iracomté, its eldritch radiation mutated the local fauna and flora. Thus the Bufonier gained sapience and great magical powers. However, they were not the only ones, and the marsh became the scene of a great conflict. A holy land to be reclaimed.

Ever since that day, the Bufonier have waged a tireless crusade against the giants insects and carnivorous plants of the area. They are stalwart witch hunters, sworn enemies of the Witch of Iracomté and her coven.

As part of their holy duty, many Bufonier also travel the world. They can be found in every country, usually as merchants or healers.


HP 8
MP 10
ATU 10
SAN 12
toxic immune
disease 9
wind 5
fire 5
water 6
life n/a
death 6
blood 5
cosmic 10

Eldritch Heritage
+2 to all mettle checks. Able to pick 3 Basic Spells from the Cosmic school of magic without needing the Cosmic Grimoire in your possession.

Toxic Hide
All attacks that make direct contact have a 50% chance to poison the attacker for 1D10 poison damage for 5 turns. Chance to poison is 100% if the attack is a bite.

Holy Purpose
+2 damage against Unholy targets.

Class Bonus : Knight -> Paladin
+1 mastery
Pick 3 Basic Spells from the Life Grimoire.
Weapon Specialization : Lance & Greatshield

Available Classes
- Fighter
- Knight
- Hunter
- Musketeer
- Performer
- Priest
- Conjurer
- Alchemist

Lore : Mousquetaires du Corbeau

Antoine Piedmont, Claude Beauregard, Tristan Chamberlain, Sébastianne Delacroix

The Knights of St-Frusquin are a police force, originating in Exilieu, having divisions in every major city of the country and also in Valakis.

First founded by Frusquin Kharansar, a Sombrelune from Tostolbo, he established the abbey which would become the Knights headquarters in the Valnoir in 3000. Their goal was to purge the Wurdulys. He was often nicknamed "le corbeau" (the raven) due to his jet black hair. This nickname would eventually become the official title of the leader of the knights.

The force became more organized over the centuries. However, after Exilieu fell under Danaki rule, the knights almost became a forgotten relic. It wasn't until Valère Langevin became governor and took the helm of the abbey in Valnoir that they would finally revive in Exilieu. Their influence in Valakis had never waned and many knights had fled there after the Danaki occupation.

Now headed by a special task force, the Mousquetaires du Corbeau, which is an elite team of expert Wurdulys hunters led by Claude Beauregard. Once Valère's bodyguard, Claude is not objective in his application of the law. The Knights are mainly used by Valère as a tool to cement his power in Exilieu.

18 July 2023

Character : Énola Meinand

Title : Grand Khaantrix

Gender : female
Race : Margrace
Heritage : Marki
Birthplace : Dan
Residence : Dan
Age : 20 years old
Height : 5'10
Weight : 120lbs
Hair : black
Eyes : green

Parents : Valère Langevin & Victoria Meinand
Husband : Abhar Destra

16 July 2023

Character : Charlotte Maevan

Born : Charles Donovan
Title : Prince of Jeddah

Gender : male
Race : Auriel
Heritage : Jeddite
Birthplace : Piriltine
Residence : Ras Harmah
Age : 21 years old
Height : 5'9
Weight : 150lbs
Hair : white, dyed black
Eyes : red

Parents : Roman Donovan (deceased) & Rachel Nalder (deceased)
Brothers : Ophélia Aldenir, Zachary Donovan

15 July 2023

Character : Lazare Khelshatakh

Title : Daichin of the North

Gender : male
Race : Bantak
Heritage : Tamlaj
Birthplace : Yörne
Residence : Kharkhoshuu
Age : 95 years old
Height : 8'2
Weight : 320lbs
Hair : platinum
Eyes : pale blue

14 July 2023

Character : Béla de Velours

Gender : male
Race : Baronet
Heritage : Margrace
Birthplace : Le-Précieux-Sang
Residence : Vent-Tremblant
Age : 56 years old
Height : 6'
Weight : 140lbs
Hair : black, dyed magenta
Eyes : black

13 July 2023

Character : Dominique Haldebert

Nickname : Doom

Gender : female
Race : Margrace
Heritage : Sombrelune
Birthplace : Süirel
Residence : Markiviet
Age : 41 years old
Height : 5'8
Weight : 150lbs
Hair : blond, dyed green
Eyes : blue

Wife : Ferne Sauvage
Brother : Antoine Piedmont

11 July 2023

Character : Valère Langevin

Born : Armand de Valence
Title : Governor of Margracier

Gender : male
Race : Margrace
Heritage : Nameless
Birthplace : St-Aldène-sur-Mer
Residence : Margracier
Birthdate : 20 Nerulo 3925
Age : 77 years old
Height : 6'2
Weight : 160lbs
Hair : black
Eyes : black

Parents : Léonard de Valence (deceased) & Joséphine Lapierre (deceased)
Wife : Valérie Langevin (deceased), Victoria Meinand
Children : Valérianne Langevin, Justin de Valence, Énola Meinand, Richard Langevin

10 July 2023

Character : Awilda Erzbeth Saurianor

Title : Captain of the Illuminati

Gender : female
Race : Reptilian
Heritage : Helen
Age : 291 years old
Height : 7'7
Weight : 320lbs
Hair : pink
Eyes : yellow

Husband : Reyn Alfonse d'Oragon

Leader of the Reptilians, Awilda is the most fearsome pirate soaring the Elerian skies. Her fleet is in service to the Valakian Empire and she counts amongst the Imperator's most trusted friends.

09 July 2023

Character : Richard Langevin

Gender : male
Race : Margrace
Heritage : Marki
Birthplace : Margracier
Residence : Margracier
Age : 18 years old
Height : 5'9
Weight : 150lbs
Hair : dark brown
Eyes : purple

Parents : Valère Langevin & Victoria Meinand

As Valère's only son and youngest child, he was heavily spoiled. He got a place amongst the Mousquetaires du Corbeau solely through nepotism.

07 July 2023

Character : Ferne Sauvage

Alias : Dolly Devil
Job : guitarist of Laethmal

Gender : female
Race : Danaki
Heritage : Morte Mère
Birthplace : Markiviet
Residence : Markiviet
Age : 46 years old
Height : 4'7
Weight : 160lbs
Hair : orange, dyed teal
Eyes : yellow

Wife : Dominique Haldebert
Parents : Adrien Tessier & Ondine Sauvage
Cousin : Sylvain Lombard

Ferne is the niece of the infamous witch, Martha Sauvage. She grew up inseparable from her cousin, Sylvain, so much so that they consider each other brother and sister. As teens, they founded the band Laethmal, never thinking they would one day be famous.

06 July 2023

Character : Thomasin Ayres

Gender : female
Race : Auriel
Heritage : Nirnbrood
Age : 38 years old
Height : 5'11
Weight : 180lbs
Hair : auburn
Eyes : green

Master : Amaury de Ronceval
Brother : Nicolas Ayres

05 July 2023

Character : Ünska Urgats

 Parents : Victoria Meinand & Bruje Uragdzürkh

04 July 2023

Character : Oswald Delamer

Alias : Amonarke
Job : vocalist of Laethmal

Gender : male
Race : Margrace
Heritage : Marki
Birthplace : St-Aldène-sur-Mer
Residence : Markiviet
Age : 57 years old
Birthdate : 29 Kelte 3945
Height : 6'4
Weight : 175lbs
Hair : orange, dyed silver
Eyes : silver

Parents : Oscar Delamer & Marie Relle
Husband : Sylvain Lombard
Twin brother : Thessalie Delamer

03 July 2023

Character : Jacques Ismer

Job : Drummer of Laethmal

Gender : male
Race : Margrace
Heritage : Marki
Birthplace : Sarna
Residence : Markiviet
Age : 37 years old
Height : 6'1
Weight : 165lbs
Hair : black, dyed purple
Eyes : blue

Wife : Monica Ismer

02 July 2023

Character : Honoré Dubois

Job : Knight of St-Frusquin

Gender : male
Race : Margrace
Heritage : Marki
Birthplace : Sarna
Residence : Valnoir
Age : 19 years old
Height : 5'09
Weight : 150lbs
Hair : black
Eyes : brown

Husband : Claude Beauregard

The newest recruit of the Knights of St-Frusquin.Young Honoré grew up and trained in Sarna, Zardunel, before moving to Almer to claim his independence.

01 July 2023

Character : Antoine Piedmont

Job : Mousquetaire du Corbeau

Gender : male
Race : Margrace
Heritage : Sombrelune
Birthplace : Süirel
Residence : Valnoir
Age : 38 years old
Height : 6'4
Weight : 230lbs
Hair : blond
Eyes : blue

Sister : Dominique Haldebert

Right hand man of the Raven of St-Frusquin, Claude Beauregard. Antoine is a well-respected musketeer, but often runs into trouble with his superiors due to being quite headstrong. His bon vivant attitude often shocks his fellow Margraces. He has an incredible drive to do good and protect the innocents.