30 April 2024


The common tongue established by the Valakian Empire 2000 years ago. All players know this language, not all NPCs do.

The language of Jeddah and Alizarnon, spoken by the Auriels.

The language of the entire continent of Ghaur, as well as Zürkhalakh in Zardunel, spoken by the Bantaks.

The language of Mortailes and Outremer, spoken by the Danaki. Most Danaki residing in Almer also know how to speak Margrançois. Very few Marki ever learn how to speak Danak.

The language of Exilieu and Hautemort, spoken by the Margrace and Marki. Very few Margrace ever learn to speak Danak.

The language of the Bufonier. Is only spoken amongst Bufonier, most outsiders do not know Peatspeech.

The language of Valakis. Anyone affiliated with the Empire speak this language.

The language of Helen, not spoken in any country. It is the hellish tongue of the Reptilians. All warlocks can speak this language to communicate with demons.

A dead language of unknown origins. Very little is known about it. Ancient ruins may present some Galatel reliefs. Only someone with the Higher Learning talent can hope to decipher it.

29 April 2024


The game requires 1D4 and 1D10.


In combat, SPD (speed) determines the order in which players take action. Some spells can allow players to go first. SPD can be buffed or debuffed for the duration of combat. All enemies have a SPD stat determining when their turn takes place.

A turn is consumed by attacking, using a skill such as recovery or defence, or moving more than 5 metres.

All actions in combat cost -1 stamina. STAM must closely be monitored as it determines chance to hit and the ability to take action.

Chance to hit goes by 10% increments. 1D10 is rolled to calculate such percentage.
Percentages are always rounded up. If a skill recovers 50% HP and you have 17 HP, you will recover 9HP.

1 skill point counts for 10% chance.

For example, a +2 to intimidation = +20% to intimidation.


Most races start with a baseline of 20 STAM. Stamina cannot be increased by spending points, but every level gained gives +4 to max stamina.

Stamina Threshold
Stamina governs your chance to hit. Upon expending 50% of your stamina, you now have 70% chance to hit. At 25% stamina, the chance is now 50%. Once your stamina hits zero, you only have a 20% chance to hit, all of your attacks deal -3 dmg, and you can no longer dodge.

Focused Attack
You can spend up to 5 total stamina on an attack to empower it. Each point spent adds LVL damage to the attack (up to x4 your current LVL). As long as you have at least 25% STAM left, this action is guaranteed to hit. Below 25% STAM, you can no longer use Focused Attack.


The damage you deal is determined by the number of points in your primary class stat (STR, DEX, or ATU) + the damage stat of the weapon(s) you attack with, called Weapon Power (WP).

For example, a Musketeer with 6 points in DEX and a +3 rapier will deal 9 points of physical dmg.


Picking up a grimoire of magic will give you access to various categories of spells. If the grimoire is not baseline for your class, you can only make limited use of its magic.

All spells cost their LVL+1 MP to cast.

Basic Spells
You will unlock more of these as you level up.

Unlocks at LVL5. You can only pick one, giving you a permanent boon.

Ultimate Spells
Highly efficient spells that you will unlock starting at LVL10. Most of these can only be cast once per long rest and have a high MP cost.

Ultimate Perks
Unlocks at LVL10. You can only pick one, giving you a grand boon, testament to your dedication.


Every level you gain, you obtain 2 points to distribute in your chosen skills and 4 points to distribute in your stats.

Your max HP increases by 5.
Your max MP increases by 5.
Your max STAM increases by 4.


You are not alone looking for adventures. As days pass, sidequests available in town have a chance to be completed by a rival team and become unavailable. You may run into these other adventurers in dungeons. They might even beat you to some rewards.

Magic : Death

Perpetually cold to the touch, this eerie tome's cover has the relief of a grinning human skull encircled by decaying thorns. Perhaps true bliss lies in death, away from pain.

Death magic is quite fickle. You can only truly hope to make something out of it if you are a Necromancer. Otherwise, you can pick the Grimoire of Death, but only cast the most basic spells.

Death magic deals Decay damage and may inflict the Wither debuff.

Class : Summoner Necromancer

As a Necromancer, you strike fear into the heart of those you encounter. Your elemental damage turns to decay and your minions are zombies.

The Necromancer version of the Summoner class is available to these races :
Danaki♀, Baronet, Bantak (Orkhin, Zürkhal), Waldoror

+2 intimidation
Baseline : Death Grimoire
Weapon Proficiency : Sickle+Death Focus or Scythe

If you wish to be a dps Necromancer gain +3 STR +10 max MP
If you wish to be a tank Necromancer gain +5 DEF and +10 max HP

As a dps, you will use spells to deal damage with a sickle and focus as your catalysts. Your main source of damage will be through your minions. Your minions cannot be more than 100m away from you or they will become inactive.
As a tank, you will use a ghostly scythe to strike enemies. You cannot summon minions.

Magic : Earth

Solid and reassuring, earth is the mother of all other elements and will ferociously protect her children. Having this heavy, slightly dusty ancient grimoire in hand, you understand the tremendous charge that is yours. You are a protector of this planet and all that thrives upon it, be they judged good or bad. The tranquil earth is above such dichotomies.

An adept of Earth Magic is called a Geomancer.
Earth magic deals Physical damage and may inflict the Grievous Wound debuff.

Like all forms of elemental magic, these spells are only understood by Conjurers and Animists. Earth magic is special in that it's the only element that can scale with ATU or STR. All spells listed as using ATU as a modifier can be switched to STR instead.

Magic : Cosmic

The eldritch grimoire thrums mysteriously, seemingly phasing in and out of this plane, never truly existing. Its hardcover swirls of indescribable colours that move eerily. If you put your ear to it, you can hear the faintest whispers spoken in an unknown tongue.

Cosmic magic focuses on the esoteric knowledge of celestial arcane. Although the school has some offensive spells, where Cosmic magic truly shines is in the manipulation of reality and one's perception of it. Much like the Death and Blood grimoires, the Cosmic one only reveals its secrets to those who dare to peer behind the veil of reality.

An adept of Cosmic magic is called an Exomancer.
Cosmic magic deals Eldritch damage and may cause the Refracted or Madness debuff.

27 April 2024

Starting Backpack

The regular travelling backpack has compartments for 10 small items, 6 medium items, and 3 large items. Every backpack comes equipped with a bedroll, a waterskin, a tinderbox, and a pouch to carry up to 500 crowns. One weapon can be carried on the player's back or belt. Additional weapons will take up a bag slot.

26 April 2024

Stats & Skills

Health Points. Can be recovered with potions. A long rest will recover all HP unless the player has a status effect. +10 max HP is gained every LVL.

Magic Points. Casting spells will consume MP. Different spells have different costs. MP can be recovered with potions. A long rest will recover all MP and refresh spells unless the player has a status effect. +10 max MP is gained every LVL.

Dexterity. Finesse and subtlety that allows one to perform actions requiring minutiae. DEX protects against Grievous Wound and Blindness. Classes that use DEX : hunter, musketeer, assassin, monk, and performer.

Strength. Physical prowess required to wear heavy armour and wield large weapons. Also allows one to lift or push heavy objects. STR protects against Bleed, Toxin, and Disease. Classes that use STR : warrior, knight, mercenary, summoner, and engineer.

Attunement. Whether it's faith, magic, or even nature, one's deeper connection to the elements allows them a great level of expertise in these specific areas. ATU protects against Curse and Madness. Classes that use ATU : priest, conjurer, seer, druid, and alchemist.

Charisma. The characteristic of a natural leader and charmer. With high charisma, a player can convince others without resorting to violence.

Stamina. Most actions during travel and combat will consume stamina. It can be recovered by eating and/or resting. After 32 hours pass, stamina stops recovering unless a long rest is taken. +4 max STAM is gained every LVL.

Speed. A static stat calculated by one's Race + Class. Determines turn order in combat. If a player has a SPD stat higher than the enemy, they have a 20% chance to dodge their attack. Same if the enemy has a higher SPD stat than the player attacking it. This percentage stacks with the Stamina Threshold. +1 SPD is gained every LVL.

Sanity. Mettle checks have a chance to lower sanity. Lose it all and you will be afflicted with the Madness debuff, greatly altering your class and playstyle. Madness can be alleviated, but you will be permanently affixed with the Broken debuff. Losing all of your sanity while Broken will result in instant death without any possibility to be saved.

SAN protects against Intimidation and Fear.

Defence. A static stat calculated by one's Race + Class + Armour. This protects against Physical damage which is dealt by regular weapons and Earth magic.

Resistance against magic and other afflictions : toxin, disease, wind, fire, water, death, blood, cosmic. A static stat calculated by one's Race + Class. Talismans can be equipped to gain certain resistances.

Mastery. A static stat that increases by 1 every 5 LVL. All classes start with 1 point in mastery. A mastery point can be used to make your action a critical success. Mastery points recover after a long rest.

Renown. Renown is gained from completing tasks and quests in the area and/or for certain factions. Gaining renown will grant better prices from merchants, unlock special quests, and may even reward your party with rare and powerful items.

Skill : Wilderness Survival

Picking the Wilderness Survival skill will allow you to have an easier time away from civilized areas. On top of the boons you personally gain, you are an asset to your party, helping them traverse the environment.

You must select one area of specialization, making it your terrain of expertise. While in your favoured terrain, you gain +2 to all nature-related perception checks. If your race or class already comes with one terrain specialization as baseline, you are allowed to pick the Wilderness Survival skill again to gain a second terrain specialization.

- Forest
You have plenty of knowledge regarding areas that experience four seasons. You know what is available at this time of the year and which animal will be easier to hunt. You are also able to assess the danger of flash floods. While you know basic winter survival, you are nowhere near as efficient as someone with the Snow terrain specialization.

- Jungle
The dark thickets do not deter you. Your keen eyes can spot many lurking dangers like venomous snakes and predators prowling in ambush. You are an excellent climber when it comes to trees and vines. You also gain the ability to find and identify various poison dart frogs, allowing you to rub their potent toxin onto your weapons. Consult the bestiary to learn about frogs and their effects.

- Snow
You know how to survive in harsh winter and cold climate, this also includes mountaintops. You can tell if the ice is safe to cross and assess the risk of avalanches. This hostile environment has granted you excellent hunting and trapping skills. Also gain +1 cold resist.

- Volcanic
Ashen wastelands are no secrets to you. You know which path to take to avoid breaking through the crust and can easily tell when an area is full of invisible toxic gasses. You are also excellent at avoiding being detected by dragons. Gain +1 heat resist. Walking on solid, cooling lava does not damage you.

- Desert
Your knowledge of the sands help you find oases and see through mirages. You can tell where quicksands are and avoid them. You also gain the ability to scavenge efficiently, being able to salvage reusable pieces of cloth, leather, and jewellery from corpses.

- Swamp
You know which waters to avoid, how to escape sinking mud, and how to craft efficient bug-repellents. You are light on your feet and are less impeded by all difficult terrains. Gain +1 disease  and toxin resist. If you are a Margrace, your time and expertise in the swamps has made you immune to the Narakhin curse.

- Cave
You can find your way through the deep, dark reaches of the earth. You can tell which tunnels are safe and which aren't. You are also able to identify diverse minerals and prospect for ores and gems, a trait unique to cave specialization.

While within your favoured terrain, you are highly efficient at these skill :

- Fishing
Find a body of water? Cast your line and see what bites! You know how to craft bait from various local critters. You can quickly fillet fish, wasting nothing.

- Foraging
You can identify a wide variety of plants. Pick the edible ones and avoid the poisonous stuff (or grab them for a harmful mixture). This skill allows you to gather herbs, fruits, moss, mushrooms, sap, and even seashells.

- Woodcutting
Fell a mighty tree and chop its trunk into manageable logs. This activity requires significant time and stamina, but wood is a precious resource that can be used, traded, or sold.

- Shelter Building
You are very efficient at putting together a cozy little place to protect your party from the elements for a while.

- Weather Foresight
You can tell when the weather is about to turn sour, giving you a bit of time to prepare.

Character : Darisu Loxosceles

Titles : Witch of Iracomté, Leader of the Coven, Mother of Spiders

Race : Narakhin
Residence : Sorciel
Affiliation : Coven
Age : unknown (immortal)
Height : 7f02
Weight : 200lbs
Hair : purple, straight, waist length
Eyes : glowing green

Very little is known about the reviled Witch of Iracomté. She is a figure shrouded in legends and fearmongering. Most believe she does not even exist.

Darisu was once an attendant of the first Silken Vault in Sorciel, then a quiet temple retreat. Disfigured by a jealous lover, she was left with barely anything resembling a face. In her sorrow, she began stealing faces from the cocoons she was meant to protect and using sorcery to sew them on her own blank canvas of a face. Through an enchanted mirror, she spoke to her victims' simulacrum, beckoning them to return to their encased bodies.

Over time, Darisu began attaching extra limbs to herself. The horrors of her act caused her to mutate into a fearsome spider-like creature. She passed on her curse to women she would lure with promises of power, forming her coven of witches.

Slowly, the city of Sorciel became isolated, left to abandon for fear of the spiders they now called Narakhins.

After millennia, Darisu is now nothing more than a creepy fairytale. The Narakhins figures of children's stories. Occasional theft of cocoons from the numerous Silken Vaults around Almer equated to trafficking or murder, not to witchcraft.

Still, hushed rumours persist of the Witch, confined within the deepest recesses of the accursed marsh Iracomté. That her dark magic can see one's past, present, and future. That she may even be able to alter one's destiny.

The most bizarre thing is that there are records of people, such as Ménandu, meeting Darisu centuries before she was actually born.

21 April 2024

Class : Priest

As a Priest, not only have you learned how to use Life Magic, but you also know many remedies and can act as a field surgeon if need be. You opt to be a symbol of hope for your party, granting them boons in battle instead of doing the fighting yourself.

The Priest class is available to these races :
Auriel, Danaki, Margrace, Marki, Bufonier, Baronet

11 April 2024

People of Eler : Reptilian

Continent : All
Capital : Flying Battleship Illuminati
Leader : Queen Awilda Saurianor
Language : Valak, Helenic
Affiliation : Valakian Empire, Welkin Buccaneers, Helenic Council
Politics : Dictatorship
Religion : Tiamare & Ahab'zur
Alignment : Chaotic Neutral
Colour : Orange
Insignia : Caduceus
Immortality : Helen
Life Expectancy : 400 years old
Height : 7'00-9'00
Weight : 300-500 lbs
Skin : shades of greens and browns
Hair : shades of red, orange, purple, pink
Eyes : yellow, orange, red

People of Eler : Baronet

Continent : Zardunel
Country : Valakis
Leader: Edwarda Fulminet, under Imperator Algernon Baudouin
Language : Margrançois, Danak, Valak
Affiliation : Valakian Empire, Travelling Troubadours
Politics : Dictatorship
Religion : Viergerine Odalis, Yhrze
Alignment : Chaotic Neutral
Colour : Rainbow

01 April 2024

Dungeon : Boiling Bay Mining Rig

Location : bottom of Boiling Bay, Tostolbo, Ghaur

An immense facility built to withstand the crushing depths of the Bulan'butsalgana. The rig is made to harvest minerals and crude oil from seafloor. It is powered by the volcanic vents in the area.