31 May 2024

29 May 2024

Magic : Water

A grimoire of duality. Soothing like the gloaming rivulet and devastating like the roaring waves. What secrets lie beneath the surface within the deep dark fathoms? The unseen abyss from whence all primordial creatures have once crawled out.

An adept of Water magic is called a hydromancer.
Water Magic deals Cold damage and may inflict the Frostbite or Frozen debuff.

Magic : Wind

Tempestuous and electrifying, the airy pages howl with ionized spells of destruction. The swirling clouds threaten to unleash their fury, razing the land from the heavens above.

An adept of Wind magic is called an aeromancer.
Wind magic deals Lightning damage and may inflict the Paralysis debuff.
Paralysis : Electricity courses through the muscles of your target, rendering them unable to move for up to 3 turns.

21 May 2024

Class : Conjurer

As a Conjurer, you call upon the elements in battle. The first grimoire you pick will be baseline, the subsequent ones will take up a medium item slot in your backpack. At LVL5 you can pick a 2nd grimoire, a 3rd one at LVL10 and the 4th and final one at LVL15. This is entirely optional and you can chose to focus on a single school of magic. Doing so will increase its damage every 5 LVL instead of selecting another grimoire.

The conjurer class is available to these races :
Auriel, Danaki, Margrace, Marki, Baronet, Bufonier, Reptilian

Conjurer and Arcanist cannot gain Renown with these factions :
Order of the Nameless, Triumvir of Dragonslayers

20 May 2024

Class : Summoner Animist

If you are an Auriel and chose Summoner class, you will be an Animist. Your deep connection to the earth allows you to breathe life into the very rocks.

Your elemental damage turns to physical and your minion is a golem. Unlike other Summoners, you can only have one minion, but it is larger and stronger than any others.

Your minion cannot be more than 100m away from you or it will become inactive.

+2 strength
Baseline : Earth Grimoire
Weapon Proficiency : Earth Focus or Unarmed

If you wish to be a dps gain +4 STR +10 max MP
If you wish to be a tank gain +6 DEF and +10 max HP

As a dps, you will use spells to deal damage with an earth focus as your catalyst. Your main source of damage will be through your minion.
As a tank, you will use your stone-enhanced fists to strike enemies and have a few support spells to back you up. You cannot summon a minion.

19 May 2024

Class : Alchemist

As an Alchemist, you are well-versed in the crafting of potions and elixirs as well as enchantments. You use your vast knowledge of chemistry to great effect, almost making it look like magic.

The Alchemist class is available to all races.

Class : Mercenary

As a Mercenary, you are a guileful dual-wielder dancing on the battlefield. You are a well-travelled sellsword who has visited many different countries and interacted with many different cultures. For you, no mission is too perilous if the coin is generous.

+2 STR
+2 DEX
Baseline : Endurance
Weapon Proficiency : dual-wielding blades (swords, axes, glaives)

You can pick 2 other languages (not including Peatspeech or Galatel) to speak fluently.
You have basic Runecarving knowledge, allowing you to engrave your weapons with a basic fire or ice enchant. Enchants add LVL Heat or Cold dmg to WP and have a 10% chance to cause their related debuff, Burn or Frostbite. You can have a fire and an ice weapon, or go for both fire or both ice.


Slice & Dice

Blade Dance


You can pick 3 terrains of expertise in the Wilderness Survival skill without dedicating a talent slot to it. If you already picked Wilderness Survival skill, you will now have 4 terrains of expertise.

You have a lot of experience fighting against a specific people and know their techniques. Select one playable race as a permanent target. Whenever you fight this race, you deal LVL+3 more Physical dmg to them and have a 20% additional chance to dodge their attacks.


Sun & Moon Slicer

Frostfire Whirl


Seasoned Traveller
You speak all languages of Eler fluently, including the very rare Peatspeech and Galatel. Your exploits are spoken of all over the world, netting you a +2 Renown with all factions whenever you complete a quest.

Greater Runecarver
You have a deep understanding of enchanting. Enchants now add 4xLVL Heat or Cold dmg and have a 40% chance to cause their related debuff, Burn or Frostbite. Hitting a Frostbitten enemy with fire will always do critical damage. Hitting a Burned enemy with ice will always do critical damage.

13 May 2024

Class : Summoner Puppeteer

Exclusive to the Baronet race, this version of the Summoner class employs cursed dolls to attack their enemies and deal strictly Physical dmg. However, instead of the typical Grievous Wound debuff associated with Physical dmg, you instead gain the rare Terror debuff.

As a Puppeteer, you possess quite a few skills akin to that of a Performer. Beyond your combat potential, you can easily entertain a crowd. Your big top tricks are sure to bring a smile to even the most morose of soul.

Unlike the other Summoners, you cannot tank. However, you are the only Summoner whose minions can become spellcasters. You are also one of the very few classes who can help their allies regain Sanity.

Your minions cannot be more than 100m away from you or they will become inactive.

+2 DEX
Baseline : Acrobatics
Weapon Proficiency : throwing knives or offensive elemental focus

Class : Summoner

The Summoner class is special in that it changes depending on your race. The basics remain the same, but the elemental damage and minions vary. Most of your spells scale with the STR stat.

Element : Earth
Minion : golem

Element : Death
Minion : zombie

Element : Blood
Minion : demon

Element : Physical
Minion : doll

11 May 2024

Class : Engineer

As an Engineer, you are a genius mechanic able to build various things out of scrap metal. You are obsessed with explosions and ready to unleash a literal inferno upon your enemies. No gun is big enough, no machine loud enough. Something mechanical is broken? You can fix it! You also come equipped with a lot of useful gadgets that your party can benefit from.

+5 HP
+2 STR
+1 DEX
+3 DEF
+3 fire, cold, lightning resist
Weapon Proficiency : Mechanical Blade, Infused Sledge, Heavy Gun

Being a cackling pyromaniac, you've definitely had a few mishaps in your life. As such, you suffer a -2 CHA when interacting with any race except Bantak due to sporting quite a few facial scars. Bantaks are always admirative of scars, netting you a +2 CHA when interacting with them.

You have a wide choice of weapons and abilities related to said weapons on top of gadgets and grenades that you can carry as well. You can either be a fast dual-wielder or a slow, but incredibly powerful fighter with a giant elemental hammer. All of your weapons are extremely noisy, making you ill-suited for stealth missions.

08 May 2024

Class : Druid

The serene druid is focused on healing allies and mending nature. Flowers bloom wherever they thread. Pollinators follow them everywhere. Their very flesh hosts plants of all kinds.

The Druid class is available to these races :
Danaki, Marki, Bufonier

+2 ATU
Baseline : Wilderness Survival
Weapon Specialization : Staff

05 May 2024

Magic : Fire

It burns your hands to old this heavy, smouldering grimoire. Yet such pain could not deter you from the addictive rush of pure power that lies within its brimstone-scented pages. All shall be cleansed with fire.

An adept of Fire magic is called a Pyromancer.
Fire magic deals Heat damage and may inflict the Burn debuff.
Burn : magic debuff. Afflict your target with a nasty burn, reducing their speed by 50% and their max HP by 25%. Every turn, they take 5x their LVL in Heat dmg.

04 May 2024

Class : Performer

As a Performer, you have two available paths : dancer or bard.


Baseline : Musician
Primary stat : DEX
Weapon proficiency : instrument (player's choice)

Death Metal
The notes you play are razorsharp and will slice your enemies to ribbons.


Snake Charmer
Master the pungi, a loud Auriel flute used to hypnotize serpents. You now have a 100% chance to break Yilan Trance on a target. If there is a Yilan in your party, you can play your instrument in combat to double their damage.


Baseline : Acrobatics
Primary stat : DEX
Weapon proficiency : crescent blade


If you are an Auriel dancer, you gain the Yilan Trance ability.

A Yilan is an eerie dancer believed to be possessed by the soul of a serpent. You can contort in completely inhuman ways as if you were devoid of most bones.

+1 mastery
Baseline : Acrobatics
Primary stat : DEX
Weapon proficiency : dual daggers steeped in Toxin

During combat, yield to the serpent within, entering Yilan Trance. Your unblinking eyes are immune to Blind and your supple body immune to Grievous Wound. Gain +70% dodge chance, +3 intimidation, and +2 speed. You are also granted 3 actions per turn. This is a powerful, but dangerous state, as when there are no longer any foes, you will begin attacking your allies.

Cobra Strike
Armed with two venom-coated daggers, you strike with blinding speed for 2D10 slashing damage and 2D4 Toxin damage every turn for 5 turns if attack was successful.

Coils of Death
Wrap around a target's legs, incapacitating them. As long as the enemy is ensnared, they cannot move away from their position. You can only attack this target, but will deal 2x dmg to them. Target must perform a STR saving throw in order to break free.

Fear the Serpent
Weaker enemies will hesitate to attack you, having a 40% chance to spend their turn moving away from you.

Serpent's Grace
Fatal damage will instead bring you to 1HP and cancel Yilan Trance, which can only be used again after a long rest.

If combat ends while Yilan Trance is still active, it is up to the party to break it. They will either need to damage their ally to 1HP or, if there is a musician in possession of the pungi instrument, they can try to soothe the serpent. Every turn, both musician and Yilan roll 1D10, the highest number wins. If the musician wins, Yilan Trance ends. If Yilan wins, musician must roll for a mettle check. If failed, the musician cowers in horror and it is up to the rest of the party to deal with the Yilan however they can.

03 May 2024

Boss : King Gemcrab

Location : Plage aux Couronnes, Mortailes, Almer

HP 300
MP 50

Earth Beast
Size : Large
Weight : 300lbs
Immune : Bleed
Resist : all elements
Weak : blunt

Gemcrabs are common along the shores of Crowns Beach. Evolved to blend in with the iridescent sands, they carefully pick and cement gemstones upon their back as camouflage and defence. One of the Gemcrabs, however, towers above all, having managed to survive until it outgrew all predators. Its perfectly curated collection of gemstones shines mesmerizingly in the sunset.

Boss : Demon Lord Heykel

Location : Beryüzgar Desert, Alizarnon, Zardunel

HP 2000
MP 3000
STAM 2000

Unholy Draconic Demon Sapient
Size : Giant
Weight : 11 000 lbs
Class : Conjurer -> High Shaman (knows all 4 elemental grimoires spells)
Immune : Fire, Curse
Language : Helenic

A hero of the Bantak Uprising, first summoned into the world by Sartaq Nügelten, Heykel is now stranded on Eler like all draconic demons. He claims the Beryüzgar desert as his domain and fiercely guards the entrance to Heykel Hollow. Facing him in battle would be ill-advised. Perhaps there are other ways to convince him to let your party through.

02 May 2024

Class : Seer

As a Seer, you are able to foresee the immediate future with accuracy. This allows you to protect your allies in battle and grant them various boons. Rather than healing, you aid your party in recovering MP. While you do possess a few offensive spells, you are more comfortable away from battle, using your supernatural foresight.

The Seer class is available to these races :
Auriel, Danaki, Marki, Bufonier, Baronet

Magic : Blood

Bound in skin and written in blood, this accursed tome reeks of rot. Its dark steel lining is razorsharp and slices into your skin whenever you hold it. Yet the pain causes a strange shiver of pleasure to creep up your spine. The cover is so gorgeous when steeped in fresh red.

A reviled adept of Blood magic is called a hemomancer, but more often than not they are called a heretic.

Like other Communion Grimoires, this one only reveals its secrets to the most dedicated practitioners. Only Haruspex and Martyr are privy to its horrors. It is also the Grimoire with the least amount of basic spells available to the uninitiated, making it quite the odd pick.

Blood magic deals Curse damage and may inflict the Bleed debuff.