19 December 2022



Aside from the widespread Üntsus clan originating from Luu'süm, there are other notorious clans, each with their own peculiarities.

The Tengerkhün Clan of Tostolbo. Industrious masters of the skies. Living in the volcanic wasteland forces them to keep their hair shorter. Their skin is darker and tougher than other Bantaks. Their thickly padded feet allow them to walk over burning embers without issues.

The Gangakh Clan of Ganereg. Remarkable hunters and spearfishers. Shorter and stockier, a thick layer of fat insulates them from the eternal winter. Their waterproof fur makes them remarkable swimmers no matter how cold it gets.

The Tamlaj Clan of Khüsner. Heretical warlocks from the far north. More delicate traits characterize these Bantaks who prefer fighting using magic rather than arm-to-arm combat. Living in a land of eternal night, they tend to be paler as well.

The Zürkhal Clan of Zürkhalakh. The original Bantaks of Zardunel. They are smaller and leaner than their northern counterparts, perfectly adapted to the harsh desert life.


Those from Alizarnon are characterized by their red crystals and eyes. No one knows the cause of the peculiar phenomenon.


Originally, the Danakis came from Outremer, an archipelago off the Almeri coast. Many still reside in Outremer, independent of their continental brethren. Darker hair and skin, as well as more gaunt traits, make them stand out.


Having Bantak blood in their heritage, the Sombrelune are like taller, burlier Margraces. Unable to perform the separation ritual, they lack the mist form common to the Margrace race. Nevertheless, they are still welcome citizens and often occupy high ranking positions in society.

Markis are forbidden offspring of Danakis and Margraces. They are not recognized as an official race, but the Margraces are at least relatively welcoming to them. Some Markis who are lucky enough to closely resemble either a Danaki or Margrace can hope to pass and find their place in society, so long as they have false identification. Most do not have such luck with the genetic lottery and look like an obvious cross between the two races.

18 December 2022

Harbinger : Famine

Origin : Barachnelis
Location : Iracomté, Hautemort
Status : Active

A colossal man-eating plant in the marsh of Iracomté. Luckily, it is so far from population centres that it is seldom seen.

17 December 2022

Deity : Tiamare & Ahab'zur

From the torn, befouled womb of Barachnelis rose two malevolent entities sharing one soul, the dragons Tiamare and Ahab'zur. Mutated fallopian tubes, like two snakes coiled together, writhing in the dead flesh of the White Spider, parasitizing Her life-giving energies to spawn blasphemous entities. The womb is now its own hellish dimension, named Helen, where demons thrive, awaiting the occasion to seep into the Material World for their own nefarious purposes.

Bantaks are keen demonists and warlocks, having a close relationship with the creatures of Helen. It is said, whenever someone associates with demons, their soul will never know peace in death, but be sent to Helen to be reborn. Such a pact insures that there are always people in the Material World to summon demons.

Myth : Creation

In the beginning, when the multiverse was entropy, Barachnelis, the White Spider, Goddess of Life, was born from the gap between the Immaterial Planes. Her brilliant aura dispersed the dark entropy and brought light into the multiverse. There She wove a shining silver web, ever expanding, interconnecting dimensions and planes of existence, gathering the cosmic dust of the ages.

Eons passed and the chaos of creation eventually impregnated Her with a force so dangerous She sought to abort it by tearing it out of Her womb.

The child, Nemeresis, the Black Husk, God of Death, the ever-turning wheel of time, survived the ordeal. Terrified and in pain, He lashed at His Holy Mother, accidentally killing Her.

Barachnelis' blood rained upon the web, creating a myriad of planets with life thriving upon them. Barachnelis lost an eye in the attack, which became planet Eler. The optic nerve being the Enchanted Tree, Éméris. It bore the primeval races that would later dominate the lands. From the flowers flourished the Primadores. From the sap sluiced the Midianites. From the leaves unfurled the Danakis. And from the roots grew the Bantaks.

When Nemeresis realized He was unloved by his Mother and had mistakenly killed Her, He felt the full weight of loss and sadness. In His grief, he mourned for ages, entering a dormant state during which the corpse of His Holy Mother was corrupted by demonic forces, the Twin Dragons. Not only that, but the creatures created by Barachnelis' blood were living in eternal torment, bearing the weight of countless years of sadness and suffering.

As Nemeresis stirred again, feeling this unfathomable pain, He beheld all of His Mother's creations, some with a mind of their own, wonderful beings, praying in vain to be released from the agony of eternity. Feeling immense compassion for their plea, Nemeresis finally accepted his place as the one to end all life and granted death to these people, making them mortal, so they could be freed from the suffering of eternity.

And the people rejoiced... for a time.

As millennia passed, like the blink of an eye for an Old God, mortals had all but forgotten their origins. Now, they were all inhabited by an indescribably and irrepressible desire for immortality. To regain a gift they didn't even know they once had and how miserable it had made them.

This led to three of the four first races of Eler to travel and seek answers of their own. The Midianites, Danakis, and Bantaks, departed the hallowed lands surrounding Éméris, driven by a desire to establish dominion over the three continents. The Midianites claimed the peaceful northern reaches of Ghaur, the Bantaks braved the deserts of Zardunel, and the Danakis settled in the lush jungles of Almer.

After the other races had departed, Éméris only kept growing the Primadore who had remained faithful by not severing their ties to the tree. They were forgotten over time, seldom seen by the outsiders. They remain fierce defenders of their homeland to this day.

The Bantaks found their immortality through reincarnation by pactising with demons. The Danakis cheated death by way of necromancy, allowing them to spend a bit more time with their loved ones. None of these solutions proved satisfactory for the Midianites who refused to embrace death altogether. This would eventually lead them to commit the unthinkable.

But regardless of mortal endeavours, what no one knew was that, in the infinite cosmos, the entropy stirred to reclaim what It had lost : the perfect stillness of emptiness. Life was nothing but an unwanted disruption of the calm of the multiverse. It had to be extinguished at all cost.

Misshapen and animated by a hunger so profound it was endless, the entropy became █̷̧̛͔͉̙̬̹̽̽̃͋̔̑̆̈́█̴̢̡̠͎͈͗̿͐́͋̌́̂͆́̀̚͘ͅ█̷̛̹̥̗̭̹̹̙͙͍̪̯̥̭̻̭̮̪͕̜̩̫̞͓̻̓̇̇̔̔͛̆͒̅̅̅̌̿͌̿̃̍̆̓̈̈̀͘͝ͅ█̵̡̨̨̧͈͚͓̲͕͓̗̙̳̪̼̼͔̰͈̫̬̭̙̬͉͌͠█̵͓̳̲̟̲̳̭̂̍̓̑̽̋͋͊̓̆̌̓̔̂̍̈́͌̽̅̕͘͝͠ͅ█̶̡̧̛̼͇̠͎̥̞̼͔̟̫͖͉̻̈̐̆̾́̅̐̒̄̿̇̓̆̂̓̾͝͠, the antithesis of life.

Nemeresis sought to halt the destruction of the multiverse, but lost His life in the process. He still managed to buy precious time, but the corpse of the entropy still hungers, even in death. Its tainted essence travelling through Barachnelis' mangled web, annihilating all It comes in contact with.

Countless lives have already been lost forever.
Countless more carry on every day, blissfully unaware of their impending destruction.

16 December 2022

Continent : Almer

Almer is the westernmost continent on Eler. It is also the largest. From misty, snowy mountains to deep, mysterious jungles, separated by an immense fungal canyon, Almer presents a wide array of biodiversity. It is the home of the Danakis, Margraces, and Bufoniers.


Country : Mortailes
Capital : Dan
Leader : Mambo Victoria Meinand
Inhabitants : Danaki

Mortailes is the Danaki territory since ancient times. Its tropical climate, luxurious jungles, and white sandy beaches make it an earthly paradise. The Danakis are one of the most powerful races of Eler and are very respectful of the nature surrounding them. They build their cities with nature, not against it. There are numerous places shining with life, but also many abandoned ruins due to the inhabitants feeling that nature did not want them there after a while.

Mortailes is the combination of the words morte (dead) and ailes (wings), but it also sounds like the word mortel (mortal). The name Danaki comes from the first language of Eler, High Dragonet, which is now a dead tongue. The original word was 'panacis', a miraculous remedy. Danakis have always been wonderful healers. Over time, the name evolved into what it is today.


Country : Exilieu
Capital : Margracier
Leader : Governor Valère Langevin, under Mambo Victoria Meinand
Inhabitants : Margrace

The mountainous region of Exilieu makes agriculture difficult, but not impossible. It's abundance of natural resources, like forests, silver veins, and bountiful lakes, make it a wonderful place to live.

In ancient times, the first Margraces were exiled north due to their rejection of necromancy. The Danakis believed that they would die from the cold, but instead the Margraces prospered. Many wars were waged to control the territory, but the middle part of Almer, called Hautemort, has harsh terrain and acts as a bastion of defense for the Margraces. This situation led the two people to make difficult concessions and accept one another's existence. Nowadays, the region of Hautemort, is inhabited principally by Markis, hybrids rejected by both races. However, Margraces are way kinder to their southern neighbours when it comes to their mixed children. Even in Exilieu, there are cities, like St-Aldène-sur-Mer and Markiviet, to welcome the Markis who can't find refuge in Hautemort.

The word Exilieu, much like Mortailes, comes from combining two words, exil (exile) and lieu (place). The name Margrace means 'walking with grace'. The disciples of the Nameless, during their exile, held their head up high and suffered no shame from their actions.


Country : Hautemort
Capital : Beaumanoir
Leader : President Alexandre Laflamme
Inhabitants : Hautemarque

The province of Hautemort was the scene of numerous wars between Danakis and Margraves in the past. Since peace was restored, the region was finally allowed to prosper.

The main thing that comes to mind when people think of Hautemort is its immense marsh, Iracomté, lazily sluicing within the marly ravines. The climate is dry, water is scarce, and rocky terrain makes agriculture nigh impossible and travelling quite arduous. Odd, rock-hard mushrooms grow wild within the landscape. The city of Bufophanie, seat of the Toad Crusade, sitting on the border between Hautemort and the accursed marsh of Iracomté, even uses those giant mushrooms as housing and construction materials.

Nevertheless, there are several towns where space and lakes allow life to thrive. In these few areas, forests and waters are full of life. Most rely on hunting and fishing to feed their family. The inhabitants have the reputation of great hunters and are said to be at home in the woods.

The capital of Hautemort is Beaumanoir , located near an immense lake sourced from the Hardi Monceau mountain. Since the territory is sandwiched between Exilieu and Mortailes, most of its population consists of Markis. Some of them have lived there for generations and would rather be called Hautemarques rather than Markis, which is pejorative.

Most of them from pure Marki descendance for centuries, have given themselves new surnames to cut ties with the parents that have abandoned them. It's common to find rather long and eccentric surnames in Hautemort, many making allusion to locations that do not even exist such as Montgascon, Saint-Saturnin, Auvergne-sur-Tour, Puy-de-Manzarne, Haut-Mont-de-Turennes, or Bouillon-les-Bains. Their leader's surname, Laflamme comes from the founding family of Braise-Ardente and is considered a typical Hautemarque surname without actually being as strange as most others.

Speaking of flames, the inhabitants are known for their flamboyant personality and their peculiar accent, called joual, which is a deformation of the word cheval (horse). This accent is so removed from their neighbours that the Danakis and Margraces sometimes have trouble understanding what Hautemarques are saying.

Hautemort means 'high death', a reference not only to its mountainous terrain, but also because the province is above Mortailes, therefore higher. Hautemarque means 'high mark', but is also a play on the words hôte de marque, which means 'distinguished guest'.


Country : Outremer
Capital : Sanguinat
Leader : Hungan Grégoire Mirlande
Inhabitants : Danaki du Premier Sang

While technically part of the continent, Outremer is quite cut off from the rest of Almer. Off the western coast, protected by a tempestuous lagoon, there is an archipelago comprised of thirteen different islands and islets. The area is rather ominous, with nature never seeming quite right and ancient eldritch obelisk sprouting from the earth.

This was where the Danakis first originated. While many have moved to the continent in ancient times, plenty have remained behind on the islands. Desiring no contacts with most outsiders, these primal Danakis practice forbidden magic and nefarious rituals. Many strange rumours circulate about them, such as their supposed ability to transform into animals.

These Danakis are called 'du Premier Sang' which means 'of the First Blood'. No one truly knows what this so-called 'first blood' refers to. The continental Danakis do not have records of their ancestors who lived in Outremer. No one knows who ruled them before Ménandu, nor the gods they worshipped, nor what terrifying powers they might have left behind.

Outremer simply means 'overseas'. The people of Almer call it Outremer, the Danakis du Premier Sang call it L'Anse-en-Sang, meaning 'the bleeding cove'. The capital, Sanguinat, is yet another reference to this mysterious 'first blood'.

Explorers are kept at bay by the elements. Unpredictable winds and lightning storms seemingly come out of nowhere when attempting to cross the lagoon. No one, not even the greatest sailors of Eler, has ever managed to approach the coast of Outremer. This begs the question : how did the Danakis manage to leave L'Anse-en-Sang for Mortailes in ancient times then?


Country : Iracomté
Capital : Bufophanie or Sorciel
Leader : Cunégonde Gutturaline or Darisu Loxosceles
Inhabitants : Bufonier, Narakhin

The accursed marsh of Iracomté is home to monstrous creatures and pestilent diseases. Rotten to the core by a meteor that fell long ago, it is now a sulphurous landscape of geysers and decayed vegetation. The eldritch radiation has caused many insects to mutate into abominations that now prey on humans.

Deep into the marsh, where people seldom venture, is the city of Sorciel, where the infamous Witch of Iracomté holds coven. For centuries now, the Bufoniers have fought a tireless crusade in order to reclaim the land, seeking to purify its corruption and evict the heretics. The territory is highly contested, its official capital depending on which side of the conflict is asked.


Major Cities
- Saint-Onésime-de-Bellerive
- Saint-Aldène-sur-Mer
- Port Célestin
- Thomas-les-Bains
- Braise-Ardente
- La Mauve Maraude
- Danesh
- Dresdène
- Sainte-Justinia-de-la-Résurection
- Sainte-Marie-Victoire


- Vent-Tremblant
- Malarctique
- Puitdoux
- La Tannière
- Grotte Fongique
- La Sépulture
- Mort Fort
- Marais-Nié
- Hémorrageuse

Notable Landmarks
- Plage aux Couronnes
- Javois-sur-Franche-Montagne
- Iracomté
- L'Échine d'Eler
- Le Tremplin du Monde
- Lac aux Os
- Obelisks of L'Anse-en-Sang

- Crater of Iracomté
- Éméris
- La Grande Macchabée
- Roches Volantes

- La Blessure

Ahmed Isles

Capital : Melchisidek
Leader : Suzie Vasily Grand Daichin
Inhabitants : Ahmedin

The Ahmed Isles used to belong to the Auriels of Jeddah. A cold, forsaken place to send exiles away, never to be seen again. This practice has changed over time and the Ahmed Isles have claimed independence. Now, exiles of Jeddah are sent to die in the Thuruntsöl Desert.

The Ahmedin Auriels, cast away from their homeland due to their crimes or heresies, are proud of who they are. Several generations have already lived and died on the Ahmed Islands, as such, they feel no connection to their homeland anymore. Nevertheless, it still welcomes new Auriel exiles every now and then. Not banned by the Caliph's orders as in the olden days, but people who chose to leave Zardunel willingly in order to seek forbidden sources of magic. Bantaks from the North also travel there for commerce, some even residing amongst the Auriels. Unions between the two people have given rise to a new hybrid race.

Unlike Zardunel, Ahmed is a land of ice with abundant snowfall. Although the population is not particularly high, the territory is viciously defended by demonic magic. The islands are unknown to most voyagers as any visitors, safe for the Tamlaj clan, are met with hostility. Most do not pay any mind to the isles, believing the area to be deserted. No one truly knows what goes on in these frozen lands and what horrifying magic dwells within the icy confines of Melchisidek.

Ahmed is the name of the explorer who discovered the islands. Melchisidek, the capital, was the name of the leader of the heretics first exiled here millennia ago. Unlike his followers, he had never set foot on the islands, as he had been decapitated by the Caliph who had ordered the banishment.

Legends have it that Melchisidek's head is still somewhere in the world, immune to decomposition. If real, it would be a relic of incredible magical power.

The great ice spire Melchisidek, capital of the Ahmed Isles.

Continent : Zardunel

Zardunel is the easternmost continent on Eler and also the smallest. Most of it is covered in deserts, with oases surrounding the great river Masmavir. The western coast has a less arid climate and features the greatest mercantile capital in the world, Sarna. It is home to the Auriels, the first clan of Bantaks, as well as the fabled Nirnaelites.


Country : Valakis
Capital : Sarna
Leader : Imperator Algernon Baudouin
Inhabitants : Valakian

The province of Valakis has a unique fauna and flora as well as a wonderful climate all year long. The principal part of the region, called Mainar, is isolated within the Ordos mountains and only accessible via one road or the sea, making it the most advantageous place to inhabit from a military and economic standpoint.

Its capital, Sarna, founded millennia ago, has humble origins, being nothing more than a simple fishing village early on. Today, it's the most prosperous city of Ler. Although not the largest city in terms of space, it is by far the most populous. All races converge there for commerce and many settle there.

Unlike Auriels, Bantaks, Danakis, and Margraces, the Valakians are not a distinct race, but a group of people. Regardless of their origins, if someone lives in Valakis permanently, they're considered a Valakian. The region has its own culture and practices and some people living there have blood of all four races in their ancestry. This highly mixed heritage gives very peculiar physical traits and individuals of great beauty. Some notable Valakian families, inhabiting the territory since its foundation, are impossible to pinpoint to one particular race, looking like none of them.

Valakis means 'valour'. The name was chosen by the Imperator when the region became prosperous at the dawn of the first millennium. However, the name of the capital, Sarna, as well as the surrounding territory, Mainar, have no origins found in any known language.


Country : Jeddah
Capital : Piriltine
Leader : Caliph Ophélia Aldenir & Saint Andrew Aldenir
Inhabitants : Jeddite

The country of Jeddah's beauty is matched only by that of its denizens. Piriltine was the first Auriel capital built and is one of Eler's most ancient cities along with Dan and Sarna.

In ancient times, the region counted numerous Bantaks since the Auriels used them for slave labour. By the sweat of the backs and lashes of the whips, they built Piriltine. However, nowadays, slavery has long being outlawed and there are no Bantaks remaining in Jeddah.

Auriels are very secretive and xenophobic. Travelers are only welcome in a select few places, as long as they don't spend much time there. Comings and goings are heavily monitored all over the province and especially in the capital. Auriels are also disinclined to leave their homeland, therefore it's quite rare to see them in other territories.

Jeddah comes from the Silvertongue word Jadah, which means 'grandmother'. This name was given to the region in honour of Enpusa, goddess of death, long the religion for Auriels, considered to be the one who created them. While the cult of Enpusa was denounced and her colossal statue in Piriltine defaced, the region has not changed name.


Country : Alizarnon
Capital : Ras Harmah
Leader : Raja Guillaume Altyna
Inhabitants : Alizarin

Two deserts, Beryüzgar and Laenatan, comprise Alizarnon, separated by the Masmavir. The Oasis of Ras Harmah is the last hospitable city of the East. Officially, Alizarnon is part of the Valakian empire, the Raja swearing fealty to the Imperator.

Being near water, the people of Alizarnon are good sailors. Many have sought to pass through Mezarlig, the graveyard of ships, to discover the mystery beyond the Yüksek sand dunes. None of these daring adventurers have ever returned. It is said if the Alizarins can't make it through Mezarlig, no one can.

The name Alizarnon, as well as its inhabitants, Alizarin, comes from the colour alizarine, a red pigment obtained from common madder, a local plant highly cultivated in the Oasis. It is so ubiquitous that most of the capital, the houses, the furniture, the clothes, are dyed red. Oddly enough, Auriels born there often exhibit red crystallization on their body, a colour that's quite rare anywhere else.


Country : Zürkhalakh
Capital : Narnuur
Leader : Mukhtar Samir Daichin
Inhabitants : Zürkhal Clan

Bantaks from the Zürkhal clan are descendants of the first Bantaks of Eler and still prowl their ancestral territory. They have no love for their nordic brothers. They are also quite different looking. Smaller, fairer, and less hirsute. Unlike the Ghaurian Bantaks, the Zardunelian ones are not afflicted by the dragon blood malediction of Helena. They are also nomadic due to the arid climate of the desert that they inhabit.

Zürkhal Bantaks have a blind hatred of the Auriels who reduced most of their ancestors into slavery. However, they tend to remain in their homeland, preying only upon foolish travelers who would venture too close to their borders. Still, there are daring raiders that take pleasure in kidnapping entire families of Auriels to enslave them.

Zürkhalakh means 'courage' in Banetongue, although the Zürkhal Bantaks still call their language by its original name, Elskhel.

15 December 2022

Defilement : La Blessure

Location : Jungle of Holy Suicide, Mortailes, Almer
Potency : lethal and expanding

La Blessure (The Wound) is the location where the Nameless murdered his pregnant wife, Ménandu, and burned their zombified daughter Justinia. The horror of the events cursed the surrounding land. To this day, 4000 years later, the trees are rotting and the earth is bleeding. Everything is twisted, the scenery ever contorting in eldritch ways.

Reports of zombies controlled by the curse abound. Some even say that a city exists deep into those forbidden lands.

14 December 2022

Cryptid : Slaves of Éméris

Deep within the forbidden jungles of Le Havre, some claim to have seen bones animated by nature itself. The remains of those who have become lost in the unforgiving wilderness perhaps.

The vines move them around like puppets on strings, so it is difficult to say if they are truly undead or just pantomimes of Éméris. They seem to vehemently defend against anyone who would trespass deeper into the jungle.

The Malaimés of Le Havre are a close-knit community. Sightings of those creatures are common enough to be believable amongst them, but not to outsiders. Convinced that the remains are somehow animated by Éméris, some affectionately refer to the tree as a necromancer.

Cryptid : Yvelde

Bizarre creatures are said to have been sighted in the northern seas of Eler. Ancient legends speak of nefarious aquatic denizens keen on drowning sailors.

Some swear to have seen them, reporting that they presented an alluring illusion to conceal their monstrosity.

Despite no confirmed sightings, the Yveldes are feared by most seafarers.

13 December 2022

Defilement : Ruins of Iben

Location : Valakis, Zardunel
Potency : lethal

What now looks like quiet ruins in the Valakian countryside were once the site of the most wanton massacre in history.

Iben was once a thriving metropolis which opposed Algernon's ambition of creating an empire. When Algernon married the king of Marnek, he found himself at the helm of a tremendous army such as the world had never seen before. He used this newfound power to make all of Valakis submit, by intimidation or by force.

In their attempt to resist, the denizens of Iben were all massacred. The city was burned to the ground and none of its 75 000 inhabitants were spared. Men, women, children, the elderly, and even pets and cattle were put to the sword. Their bodies were defiled, left to rot out in the open without proper burial.

Today, all that remains of Iben are a few quiet ruins. The scenery seems peaceful, but those slain hold an eternal grudge.

10 December 2022

Capital : Nirnael

Hidden below Sarna, it is the true Nirnaelites' seat of power.
Ruler : Imperator Algernon Baudouin the Hierophant of Yhrze
Population : 6000 inhabitants, 95% Nirnbrood, 4,9% Auriel, 0.1% Nirnaelite

The ancient ruins of Nirnael are even older than Sarna itself. When the Midianites first set foot in the city, those who used to inhabit it were long gone. One might wonder, was this ever truly a living city, or perhaps was it a necropolis? An eerie atmosphere permeates the area. It was, however, a perfect location for the accursed Midianites who reviled sunlight and were hideous to behold.

Out of the 102 surviving Midianites, only 78 inhabit the city and now call themselves Nirnaelites. The majority of the population are humans kept as cattle. Bred underground for millennia, unaware of the outside world, the Nirnbrood are a mix of all the races and thus look quite peculiar. There are also a few Auriels, rare treats since their highly poisonous blood is like a drug for the Nirnaelites.

Capital : Sarna

Capital of Valakis, the Nirnaelite's seat of power.
Ruler : Imperator Algernon Baudouin
Population : 520 000 inhabitants, 35% Bantak, 27% Marki, 18% Margrace, 13% Danaki, 7% Auriel

The mercantile epicentre of Eler, it is also the most populated city by far. Its pleasant climate and beautiful scenery make it a popular tourist destination as well. The Sarnalien high society are icons of class and style. The city's timeless architecture is often imitated as a symbol of power and grandeur.


The Colosseum
Hedonism is rampant in Sarna. To keep the populace entertained, nothing quite compares to the excitement of the games in the massive Colosseum. From carriage races to gladiatorial combats, there is never a shortage of spectacle to delight the masses.

Karkléftis, the Pirate Cove
What better way to defend the coast of the richest city in the world than to hire the scoundrels that would plunder it? The pirates of Karkléftis have long been employed by the Imperator as mercenaries to keep the Gulf of Ayres safe. These pirates are free to pillage and plunder enemies of Valakis on the coast of Zürkhalakh.

The Eye of Odalis
There are, in truth, two entries into the Gulf of Ayres leading to Sarna. One guarded by pirates, the other impassable due to an Anomaly. The Eye of Odalis is an immense vortex that swirls and churns without cease. It obeys no laws of physics and stirs in unpredictable ways. As such, it is impossible to sail nearby. No one knows what causes the phenomenon, but it is quite beautiful when observed from a safe distance.

Continent : Ghaur

Ghaur is the northernmost continent on Eler. Intense volcanic activity has covered the skies in a thick layer of smoke, causing an eternal winter. In these unforgiving lands of fire and ice, most cities are located underground. It is home almost exclusively to diverse clans of Bantaks and a few Margraces.


Country : Luu'süm
Capital : Delkhiin
Leader : Galmur Tsusmanj Khaantor
Inhabitants : Üntsus Clan

Rife with boiling marshes, volcanoes, and great battlefields, Luu'süm is an inhospitable land. Nevertheless, it is the seat of the Khaantor's fortress and thus the most politically significant country in Ghaur. An immense iron bridge connects Exilieu and Delkhiin, flavouring commercial exchanges between Bantaks and Margraces.

The accursed countries, Luu'süm, Tostolbo, and Gyalkhii, are often pelted in glutinous rains that decimate anything in its path. Animals have mutated into demonic monsters. Horrible, misshapen creatures with distorted, squamous limbs. Not only are they dangerous, but they're also inedible.

Luu'süm is only partially afflicted. Although the surface is tainted, the earth and water underground are rich and pure. As such, cities are built deep below and have great agriculture. The ingenious Bantaks having managed to replicate sunlight artificially to grow their crops and raise fish in cavernous lakes.

The name Luu'süm means 'dragon temple' in Banetongue. In Bantak culture, a temple is not for cults, but a sepulchre. The territory is named such because the dragon demi-god Helvete was slain there by Uzbeg Khaantor during the civil war. The clan name, Üntsus, means 'ashen blood', a name they took after Helena, wife of Helvete, placed a curse upon their blood, turning it black and boiling.


Country : Tostolbo
Capital : Khaanyambaar
Leader : Narny Büslekh Khaantrix
Inhabitants : Tengerkhün Clan

Tostolbo is the country most afflicted by the malediction, but attracts an impressive workforce due to the mines, oil, and other various industries. There is never a shortage of work in Tostolbo and many brave the dangers of the country to earn a living.

Aside from its inhabitants, Tostolbo is nearly devoid of life aside from the wild demons. Being so close to the volcano Gurvel, the land is a vast desert of black ash marred with rivers of lava. Therefore they entirely depend on victuals from Luu'süm, brought via railway, to survive.

The region was founded by the Tengerkhün clan, great voyagers responsible for mapping the entire planet. Decades ago, the Khaantor of Tengerkhün, Renur Ysmur, after becoming a widower, remarried to the Khaantrix of Üntsus, Narny Büslekh, and gave her full power over the region, making both clans even more powerful.

Nowadays, Narny is an old woman commanding utmost respect amongst the Bantaks. When she took her place in Tostolbo, she gave her place in Luu'süm to her first born son from her early marriage, Galmur Tsusmanj.

Tostolbo means 'oil stain' in Banetongue, a name in honour of the oil fields in the region. Tengerkhün means 'sky people' due to their love of travelling as well as their invention of flying machines.


Country : Ganereg
Capital : Giskhöt
Leader : Ainur Luudarga Khaantor
Inhabitants : Gangakh Clan

The nordic region of Ganereg, the largest territory of Ghaur, is untouched by the malediction. Far from the volcanoes is the great, mountainous tundra of Ganereg. Ice fishing and whaling are common activities in the country. Its great forests also supply most of Eler's demand for wood.

Due to the abundance of lakes and rivers, jobs related to hydroelectricity are thriving. Favourable winds from the coast grant Tostolbo rays of the suns, benefiting from a very mild summertime. The great glaciers and permafrost never melt, but it still makes it a popular destination for those seeking traditional Ghaurian vacations.

The Gangakh clan is a branch of the Üntsus clan. Their leader, Ainur, is Galmur's brother. This means that the three major economic powers of Ghaur are all governed by the same family.

Although the region is immense, most of its territory is inhospitable due to the mountains. Many towns have also been deserted a century ago after a major incident at the Mengur'uurkhai mine. Although this was a major blow to the economy and population drastically lowered, Bantaks have persevered.

Ganereg means 'steel shore', named for its coast full of spiked rocks like swords extending outwards. Gangakh means 'steel grip'.


Country : Orkhison
Capital : Chötgör
Leader : Osarn Koschei Ikh'dainy
Inhabitants : Orkhin Clan

Beyond the treacherous Aldarner mountain range lies the seldom visited land of Orkhison. The only passage into the country is through an abandoned mine near Boolchloi, overgrown and well hidden.

Many ruins lie in the eternally frozen landscape, sites of many ancient battles. Necropolis for dragons, built by followers of the warlock Sartaq Nügelten. Most of the area is covered in forests and peaks, with cities being far apart and their inhabitants not taking kindly to strangers.

The infamous Ergüüleg Tower is located in Orkhison. A place of dark, forbidden magic where warlocks and sorcerers hold coven. It is said that even the Witch of Iracomté visits yearly.

Orkhison means 'abandoned' in Banetongue, relating to how its inhabitants feel forgotten by their southern brothers. This resentment led many Orkhin Bantaks to turn to the dark arts, making them more sympathetic to the heretics of Khüsner.


Country : Khüsner
Capital : Kharkhoshuu
Leader : Lazare Khelshatakh Ikh'dainy
Inhabitants : Tamlaj Clan

The eternally frozen north of Ghaur. A place where foul creatures and heretics roam. Plunged in the darkest of nights for most of the year, it is quite an eerie country.

The Tamlaj clan is formed by descendants of the demon-worshipping Bantaks who followed Sartaq Nügelten during the civil war. They have remained in Khüsner since their race first settled there after leaving Zardunel. Despite their perceived evil nature, they are seldom bothered by their enemies due to the nordic territory being unfavourable for warfare. Anyone wishing to invade Khüsner would have to either go through the Khüchil'namag swamp then through the narrow and highly hazardous pass of Tsagaanükhel. The other way in brings anyone to the very borders of the Gyalkhii region, a path too narrow for any army to traverse with unfathomable dangers lurking.

In ancient times, a truce was formed between the Ünstsus and Tamlaj clans. The capitals of Delkhiin and Kharkhoshuu were linked by the greatest railroad ever built. Unfortunately, on the same night as the incident at the Mengur'uurkhai mine, the underground railroad collapsed. Being cut off at the height of political tensions resulted in the already strained relationship to completely deteriorate.

Khüsner means 'wanting' in Banetongue. The region was thus named for the Bantaks' desire for a new beginning after they left Zardunel, far from Auriel oppression. Although it used to belong to the Üntsus clan, it is now solely inhabited by the Tamlaj clan. Tamlaj translates to 'demon-sworn'.


Country : Ghyalkhii

A country without any cities and not belonging to anyone. Ghyalkhii is solely an immense cauldron, surrounded by serrated peaks, like a fortress bordered by the Luu'tsaiz mountains. The Great Volcano Gürvel is at its centre, raging from its thousand chimneys since the dawn of time.

Dragons patrol the skies, darker than the night due to the ash in the air. Some of them so large it would take an entire army to bring them down. A constant hail of fire and brimstone pelts the land. The air is so thick with sulphur and cinders it's unbreathable.

There is no terrestrial access to Ghyalkhii. The mountains are too treacherous to pass over or under and the only breach within is where the Nisleg River lazily sluice into the sea.

Gyalkhii means 'glowing earth' in Banetongue due to the light from lava and volcanic storms being seen hundreds of kilometres around.

09 December 2022

Harbinger : White Maiden

Origin : Barachnelis
Location : Marais-Nié, Mortailes, Almer
Status : Active

As a marriage gift to his wife, Ménandu, the Nameless offered her two magnificent white mares. After his betrayal, the animals were put to death and thrown into the marshlands. From their remains, an abject abomination rose, called the White Maiden. She now rules the secluded area called Blanc-Mariage.

The apparent horn on her head is actually the blade of a sword. When executed, the two mares had cursed swords put through their heads so they would never know peace in death.

08 December 2022

Harbinger : Blade of Malarctique

Origin : Barachnelis
Location : Malarctique, Exilieu, Almer
Status : Active

Off the coast of Exilieu lie the island of Malarctique. Some unseen forces there cause the entire land to be permanently frozen. Believed by Margraces to be a Defilement, many Knights have tried to cleanse the area. Few have returned.

For centuries, tales have been told of an undying swordsman, keen to cut any careless adventurer down. A long lost leader of the Knights, overtaken by the icy curse of Malarctique.

07 December 2022

Capital : Margracier

Capital of Exilieu, once the Margraces' seat of power, now under Danaki control.
Ruler : Governor Valère Langevin, under Mambo Victoria Meinand
Population : 120 000 inhabitants, 95% Margrace, 4% Marki, 1% Danaki

Labyrinthine Margracier is a city of mist and many mysteries. Perched high into the mountains of Exilieu, it receives frequent rainfall and becomes covered in heavy snow come winter. Due to its climate, it is the least populated capital on Eler.


Church of the Nameless

The epicentre of Margrace religion, founded by Ménandu's husband and murderer four millennia ago. Over time, the city developed around its massive church. Three hundred years ago, the Danakis, led by Marie-Victoire Meinand, took control of Margracier. Before the takeover, the Pontiff was the appointed ruler of the Margrace. Now the church is merely a site of cult to collect alms for the poor. The Nameless' wisdom is still followed to this day, but the Pontiff has very little political power.

Les Bras de L'Immortel
Margracier being comprised of two massive mountains, Mont Immortel and Mont Jeune Fille, it requires numerous bridges in order to connect the two. These bridges are called Les Bras de L'Immortel, acting as an embrace between the two mountains, and spanning over the valley inbetween. This valley is named Valnoir due to the looming shadow of the bridges. It is home to the headquarter of the renowned Knights of St-Frusquin in the hamlet of Sacré-Cœur-de-L'Indicible.

There is no more depressing sight, after witnessing the majesty of Margracier, than to go down into its slums at the base of the mountains. Markiviet is home to the poor, the downtrodden, and the unwanted. It is where the children of the illegal union between Danaki and Magrace, called Marki, often end up. Living in abject poverty, they depend on the Church and charity in order to get by. Nevertheless, the inhabitants of Markiviet are thankful. Living in close proximity to Margracier does offer them opportunities to better their lives. Almost everywhere else, they are reviled outcasts. Only countries like Hautemort and Bantak territories welcome them, but it's not given to everyone to uproot their entire family and establish themselves in a whole other region.

Capital : Beaumanoir

Capital of Hautemort, the largest Marki-governed city.
Ruler : Mayor Alexandre Laflamme
Population : 350 000 inhabitants, 80% Marki, 11% Margrace, 9% Danaki

Beaumanoir sits next to the gorgeous Lac Bleu and its breathtaking waterfalls. Despite Hautemort being a rather small and inhospitable country, Beaumanoir is a thriving city and considered one of the most beautiful on Eler. Once a Margrace settlement, it is now majorly inhabited by Markis.

06 December 2022

Capital : Dan

Capital of Mortailes, the Danakis' seat of power.
Ruler : Mambo Victoria Meinand
Population : 410 000 inhabitants, 98% Danaki, 2% Marki

The most ancient city of Eler still standing to this day. Dan is also the largest city in Almer. Founded post-mortem by Ménandu, it's been thriving since its inception. Built with a deep respect to its surrounding nature, houses intertwine with trees, massive roots pass through buildings, and plants are encouraged to thrive everywhere.


Mausoleum of Ménandu
Here lay the brittle, dusty bones that remain of Ménandu. After being murdered by her husband, the Nameless, she rose herself back from the grave through necromancy, becoming a lich. Banishing her husband and his followers, she then united her people and began teaching them the arts of necromancy as well. She remained undead for a thousand years before inexplicably crumbling to dust one night, leaving behind her daughter, Justinia, she had been carrying since her murder. Justinia became the next leader of the Danaki people and followed in her mother's footsteps. Today, Ménandu is worshipped as a goddess and her mausoleum is a place of pilgrimage for necromancers and undead alike.

The Great Aqueducts
Danakis always strive to build with nature and not against it. Rather than draining lakes, levelling terrains, or diverting rivers, they opted to build aqueducts that collect trickling waters from mountains and rainfall and transport it to neighbouring cities. The architecture has been carefully crafted to make sure it could also serve as hiding and nesting spots for numerous animals.

Jungle Farmlands
Being so deeply attuned with nature, the Danakis have developed incredible fields despite their isolation in the dense jungles of Mortailes. With crops and mindful harvesting of the wild bounties, the Danakis are one of the largest food producers on Eler.

05 December 2022

Capital : Delkhiin

Capital of Luu'süm, the Bantaks' seat of power.
Ruler : Galmur Tsusmanj Khaantor
Population : 480 000 inhabitants, 70% Bantak, 20% Marki, 10% Margrace


Underground Gardens
All Bantak cities are located underground due to the inhospitable nature of Ghaur. Whether it's dragons, volcanic activity, or eternal winter due to the constant billowing smoke in the skies, populations fare much better below the earth. The Bantaks have used their engineering prowess to harness the telluric forces of the abundant volcanoes in order to power all sorts of machinery. Artificial light and misting systems have been installed to grow crops in caves. The ashen soil is rich in nutrients, making harvests bountiful.

Transghaurian Railway
Ghaur being an awfully dangerous continent, it is ill-advised to travel above ground. As such, the Bantaks excavated immense tunnels connecting major cities together. The greatest of which nearly spans the entire width of Ghaur, from its capital, Delkhiin in Luu'süm, to Ulyndalf on the coast of Tostolbo. There used to be an even greater tunnel, connecting Delkhiin to Kharkhoshuu in the northern reaches of Khüsner. Unfortunately, centuries ago, the tunnel collapsed due to it running underneath the Gurvel volcano. It is due to said collapse that Kharkhoshuu became isolated and is now home to all sorts of heretics and warlocks.

The Titan Forges
All Bantak cities are quite industrial, be it for mining or the production of various goods. Delkhiin prides itself on its colossal forges that process the rare and valuable Destra alloy, Ghaurian steel tempered with dragon's blood, making it nigh indestructible. This substance is prized by the Bantaks and they are not keen on relinquishing it. Only the greatest warriors are bestowed the honour of wielding a weapon made of Destra. Only a few were ever made and, when an honoured warrior perishes, the weapon is passed down to another worthy of owning it.

03 December 2022

Capital : Piriltine


Capital of Jeddah, the Auriels' seat of power.
Ruler : Caliph Ophélia Aldenir & Saint Andrew Aldenir
Population : 290 000 inhabitants, 100% Auriel

The fabled jewel of the East, home of the reclusive Auriels. There is only one road leading to the city and seldom are strangers welcomed. Since its founding, four millennia ago, it has been ruled by the Donovan family.


Jeddah, Mother of Death
Piriltine is famous for its immense statue, carved within the mountain, that overlooks the entire city. This used to be a statue of the goddess Empusa, a remnant of Midian. Her visage has been defaced and carved into a skull instead. The statue was always referred to as Jeddah rather than Empusa. The country was named after her. Jeddah meaning "mother" in Silvertongue, she is considered the mother of the Auriel race. As such, they view themselves as being born of death.

The Pink Palace
When Ophélia became caliph, she tore down the walls separating the palace from the city. The palace of Piriltine used to be heavily fortified, nothing more than a lavish prison. Fearing the curse of the Donovans, no one was allowed to step outside its walls and few were allowed to enter. Having braved the world and survived, Ophélia did not want to be a recluse, cut off from the struggles of her people. On top of leveling most of the surrounding walls, she had the entire palace repainted in pink, her favourite colour.

The Masmavir
The great river Masmavir irrigates most of Jeddah. Its magnificent gulf is a sight to behold in Piriltine. The Masmavir, combined with the surrounding Kolkat Mountains, make the city impregnable.